Search results

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    Gen III exaust ?

    No one makes them...either cut off the secondary cat and weld in a new straight pipe to the correct, or gut the cat
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    What are the best Exhaust Tips for stock exhaust?

    Here is another option on the cheap: My first Viper had this installed when I bought it with the stock tips to keep the crossover in place. Up close, it's obviously just a trim ring...a little farther away...
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    Anyone with a 19/20 wheel setup for sale?

    I'm gonna have 19/20 iForged's Astra's(anthracite centers) for sale in a few has one more trip to the tuner before they are pulled off. PM me your email and I'll get some pics to you.
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    How do I get an avatar and owner status?

    Click the join tab at the very top of the site!
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    gen 4 exhaust tips

    Identical from outside the car...they just come out of the muffler and exit out the side, unlike the 03-06 exhaust which crosses over behind the seats and exits the side sill from the opposite side of the engine.
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    Chrome or Gloss Black wheels, on a red Viper

    Maybe...I feel the black wheel fad is over when its offered from the factory :dunno:
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    Windshield washer fluid?

    I never use it but I always make sure it's full. I don't change it out either, and I've never heard of doing that either.
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    Anyone need a 03-10 center radio and shifter console /bezel?

    That's ok...lemme know if you want me to send a PayPal deposit now! lol
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    Anyone need a 03-10 center radio and shifter console /bezel?

    Please PM me when the carbon one becomes available
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    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    19/20 360 Forged Concave 10, on my old car and now my new one
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    I'm just gone go ahead and say it...

    Re: I'm just gone go ahead and say it.... the SRT, and then be thankful the next guy buys a GTS so we ALL can enjoy a new Viper. Otherwise, we'd be stuck with a Challenger SRT-8 after the Gen IV sales numbers :lmao:
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    Came home and opened the box on my porch

    A guy named Tom Nader...I don't remember his screen name though. ;)
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    Came home and opened the box on my porch

    I had that feeling a few weeks ago...I'll know next weekend if its the best money I've ever spent on a Viper Congrats!
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    Finaly back in a Viper!!!!

    Congrats man! If this project turns out half as badass as your GTS, we'll be in for a helluva car!
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    2006 5 spoke wheels?

    While that is a great deal, I've seen you post this story in enough 5 spoke threads that you should realize by now your experience was the exception, not the norm.
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    Recent mod PICS

    Looks sweet Wayne. Nice tasteful mods as usual
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    2006 5 spoke wheels?

    Do they still have the original run flats? You'll find they add zero value, and if you factor in the extra weight for shipping, they're costing you cash. I think around $2200 personally. People can't wait to come in and tell you they got their 5 spokes for $1500, but zero curb rash sets are...
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    If You Had to Dump Your Viper...What Car Would You Get?

    It probably wasn't the LP560...
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    Sad day. Sold my Viper

    ...and didn't like to take it in return. No worries though...good luck to you Bruce. Sounds like you found a perfect example F-car
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    Damn! Did you fill it up till it was running out the valve cover? :lmao:
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    2004 Black Mamba How much do i sell it for?

    I agree Dan. But even at 36-38k, with that mileage, and in his admitted condition, it's gonna be a few weeks for sure. 34k will get it gone quick, so he can move on his house purchase.
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    2004 Black Mamba How much do i sell it for?

    While I appreciate you thinking on behalf of the Viper community, you gotta do what's right for your family! What do you need to get out of it above $34k? I think that's the lowest price to sell within a week...probably less. If you don't need more than $34k, list it on eBay tomorrow with a...
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    Some Pics From Half Moon Bay

    Cool...thanks for the clarification