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  1. G

    replace stereo with tablet

    They have a double din radio called the app radio it's pretty cool I just bought one just haven't installed yet, but it can mirror you android or I phone. It's looks alot cooler with android phone.
  2. G

    Coupe fuel doors

    I have 2 coupe fuel doors with minor scratches I will sell for 325 each shipped if anyone is interested send me a pm
  3. G

    Gen V mules - Gen IV cars with Gen V body panels

    the gen 5 hoods are only 3,000 that's not bad
  4. G

    Gen V mules - Gen IV cars with Gen V body panels

    If parts come available I would try it especially interior
  5. G

    Gen V mules - Gen IV cars with Gen V body panels

    It could be done but you would also have to change windshield hoop and rear trunk tub, you could also do the interior too,would probly cost the same as buying a new car though since there no used parts it's probly 15,000 just for the hood
  6. G

    Gen V mules - Gen IV cars with Gen V body panels

    I think if you started from the frame up with gen v parts, I think you could make a gen iv a gen 5
  7. G

    New Owner/Memver

    You need to speak with Dan fron viper specialties he can help you with all your Tuning questions, car looks awsome
  8. G

    Gen 4 intake manifold removal

    If you do remove and buy another one I would be interested in buying your stock one for project I'm working on
  9. G

    In need of a mechanic. Tampa Bay. #slave cylinder

    To bad you don't live close to jacksonville I would help
  10. G

    WTB: Gen 3 Coilovers

    I have stock gen 3 cheap just want them out of the garage
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    Air vent needed

    Get rid of the kid
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    Gen 3 stock header size

    did you dyno your car after kooks were installed
  13. G

    Air vent needed

    I think I have one if you want it you can have it send me address I will send it to you
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    Gen V seats in a Gen IV

    I wouldn't mind doing it, proble 10,000 for a pair of seats from dealer
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    Heater Fan only works on high speed

    Mine is do the same thing thanks for info
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    Gen 3 stock header size

    That is awesome gains
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    Does anybody have a set of used headers for a gen 3 they are looking to sell
  18. G

    Gen 3 stock header size

    Yeah I saw the same thing where someone puchased b&b that were 1 5/8 and stepped to 1 3/4 thought that was small said they gained 40 hp on stock engine
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    Gen 3 stock header size

    Does anyone know the stock header tubing size?
  20. G

    Sat inside the new 2013...DAMN IT !! NO ROOM compared to my gen2

    That is a fat ass women at 5'3" 166 she wouldn't ride in my viper anyways
  21. G

    Coupe fuel doors

    I have 4 coupe fuel doors available if anyone is interested 375obo like new also have a black one for 450
  22. G

    Acr front splitter

    Splitter sold!
  23. G

    Throttle body porting

    What cam do you have , also how is drivability at low rpms is it jerky? I'm thinking of doing this myself
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    Throttle body porting

    Oh ok that explains the big gain