We've already established that SRT is not seeking to sell Vipers at volumes that rival that of the Vette or Porsche, and so that argument for having an auto option that MOST Viper buyers will not opt for is null. You've also undermined your point by illustrating the fact that the market is...
You're trying to dodge the points I stated and turn this into a "support our troops" rant which is completely off topic...something a liberal would do.
Your numbers prove my point - a relatively small number of older people are actually veterans. Millions served, but hundreds of millions did...
They did hit two of the 3 things you mentioned, but I don't think they had much of a budget to work with in the first place. You gotta remember that they were working on the Gen 5 in the pits of the obamaconomy circa 2009...the car was released for model year 2013, and that in itself is...
Like I said, back up your empathy with your own money and pay for vets to have their vipers converted to auto...or are you just going to talk about it so you can feel good about yourself without taking any action?
I'm well aware of the fact that there may come a time when I'm too old to drive a...
If you think there needs to be automatic Vipers, primarily to accommodate handicapped old guys and veterans, maybe you should make it happen by footing the bill for said individuals to convert existing vipers into automatic.
Suppose you got your wish...then what? Are we going to have people complaning that RWD is "obsolete" and that new vipers should have a convoluted AWD system like the GT-R?
I don't see how making the Viper "more like all of the other cars" is a selling point. If you want paddle shifters you...
Try to buy your gas from busy stations so that you dont end up with a "old" gas that has been sitting in the tank for weeks. There may also be water in the gas. Have you tried filling up at other stations to see if the problem continues?
Yeah, more recalls:
I wouldn't go down that road of "blaming the supplier" - it was GM's responsibility to test the parts they source from third parties just as it is GM's responsibility to accept consequences for any...
So Gen 5 - Vette comparisons are only relevant when the induced perception is that the vette is "beating" the viper? It's a safe bet that the 2014 vette is going to be recalled for being too fugly.
It's not just a unique color, it's arguably the most visually stunning color ever applied to any car...so yes, I would buy it again, but if I was primarily going to use the car on a track I'd probably opt for white or that new carbon matte.
Seems like GM, the company that is limping along on welfare life support to this day, still can't get the job done and produce a car worth buying:
The Vette is included in these recalls, including the newest 2013 models...
You could do that if you don't mind having the cabin smell like exhaust fumes. Magnaflow also makes high quality cats which tend to have the best flow for a given inlet/outlet diameter compared to other so-called 'high flow' cats. You may be able to fit a 3" or 3.5" I.D. cat in place of the...
EXACTLY and I've been saying this all along. The Gen 5 has plenty of power - it didn't need "at least 700" as some have demanded and the dispute that really stirred things up - the 2009 ZR1 slightly edging out the 2013 Gen 5 in MT's video - was never some kind of conclusive "proof" that the Gen...
You brought up the physics elements in your initial responses and I attempted to explain why 50/50 weight distribution does not clearly portray what kind of handling characteristics to expect from a car. It's like saying "both cars have 4 wheels so they should both handle well compared to a...
The physics issues actually have nothing to do with this thread - you brought them up when you cited weight distribution as the primary deciding factor in how a car handles (which it is not).
If the car has a 50/50 weight distribution, as you've been asserting, then inflating the rear tires to...
So basically, you made a stupid statement, were proven wrong, and now you're too much of a c0cksucker to simply admit it and you're trying to save face.
Wouldn't expect anything less from someone who fails to grasp high-school level physics.
That puts you in a very exclusive club...of one...
Did I say that they DID have 50/50 weight distribution (not balance) or did I say they had CLOSE TO...reading comprehension: give it a try.
For a vehicle that uses the front wheels to turn, the optimal weight distribution is going to have a bias to the rear.
If you want to see this "in...
I never said that mid engine cars don't handle well - they do - but many of them are tail-happy. Most engines weigh more than the driver and the driver is not sitting in the middle of the car, he or she will be on the driver's side. Most cars, even "standard" sedans, are close to 50/50 weight...
Because the majority of the vehicle's mass is in the front of the car. The engine is not symmetrically located between the front and rear as well as side to side. Also, because wider tires require less pressure to support a given weight. Think snowshoes - they work because they spread your...
Has anyone bothered to experiment with different tire pressures for their Gen 5? I started out with the stock 29 PSI front & rear recommendation, but I don't think that's optimal for street driving, nor is it good for track. The rear tires should definitely have lower pressure than the fronts...
I don't think anyone is arguing that a blower kit for the Gen 5 is more likely to come from a tuning shop rather than Mopar or SRT. The point of contention here is whether or not we'll get an "official" kit from Mopar for the gen 5 and it looks like the answer is no, simply because they would...
1BADGTS is correct in what he's saying here as far as the reliability of an engine that was designed from the ground-up to have FI vs one that was simply built to be reliable NA (the gen 5 V10).
I cannot blame mopar for not releasing a S/C kit. Let's pretend that the kit yielded 100%...
Do you even have a viper? If so, go ahead and trade it. I wouldn't trade mine for a Porsche; a degree of exclusivity should be "standard" on performance cars that are priced north of $100K.
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