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  1. B

    seat lowering kit, 2000 RT/10

    The kit does only one seat at a time. I got the one inch for my 96 RT/10. The height difference is slight but nothing anyone would notice unless you pointed it out. It actually took some getting used to for me. I am 6'3. At first I felt like I was sitting too low but I have since gotten...
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    Any SRT-10 trucks for sale ????

    Chuck Tator was having a really good deal on two of his Silver ones. I think his post was in the Supplier Specials area.
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    Hardtop latches for 96' RT/10

    Re: Hardtop latches for 96\' RT/10 Chad, Being that the top is not metal and the latch should be, do you think you could use a really powerful magnet to retrieve the latch? Assuming you work the magnet from the non painted side, you might be able to use the magnet to drag the latch to where...
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    Seat lowering kit

    Mad0953 - It looks like the seat lowering kits are different for 92-96 RT/10 and the true Gen 2 Vipers. That would probably mean that the seat rails will be different so you will probably want to make sure you find a Gen 2 rail. If anyone has a used Gen1 lowering kit I would be interested.
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    Somerville, N.J. Fourth Annual Cruise Night

    There are always a lot of interesting cars at this event-good variety. I am glad that I just found out I will be able to go.
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    A sad, sad, day....

    I sure hope you got cash for it and not one of those kind overseas brokers that will send you bank check/wire that includes money for transport and their comision :)
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    Just when you thought you saw everything!!!

    "The car has actual viper lights," That would make the headlights worth more than the car.
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    Todays Viper specials?

    I believe I read somewhere that the first one has a salvage title if you run a car fax (even though it is being advertised as having a clean title).
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    New pics of my new Ride!

    Great looking pictures of a really nice clean looking car. Looks like you did well.
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    Newbee here...Is a 96 RT/10 a Gen 2? Did they come with Pwr Windows?

    96 should also have the Gen 2 suspension I believe (why the frame recall applys to them also).
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    Is it rude to have (please don't touch) on your car?

    Re: Is it rude to have (please don\'t touch) on your car? There are two types of people at car shows. Those that know better than to touch someones car and those that don't know/care that they or their kids shouldn't be touching the car. Unfortunatly, those are the types of people that will...
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    Roe Cats and NJ Emissions?

    Nick, that's the link. A mechanic friend told me about that rule. I am just not sure what is involved with passing the "idle test".
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    Roe Cats and NJ Emissions?

    The limit is $450 fIrom thier website" If your vehicle fails inspection and the re-inspection and you can provide receipts proving you’ve spent $450 to reduce its emissions, and it passed an idle test, you may qualify for a waiver. Note: pre-inspection emission repairs may be acceptable towards...
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    Roe Cats and NJ Emissions?

    I had a 77 truck that would constantly fail inspection because it failed the exhaust part of the test. I was told by a couple private inspection places that if you think your car will fail the last thing you want to do is to fail at a public place (supposedly because the state has your car on...
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    Any paint guys? Strange problem (pics)

    Not having a coupe, would it be possible that the stress of shutting the rear hatch could cause this?
  16. B

    94 RT/10 passenger seat cushion ??

    Focus all of your energy on just getting one corner done rather than trying to latch it from the center. I needed to use a screw driver also but it took a while to find one that was just the right length.
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    Any paint guys? Strange problem (pics)

    I am no paint guy either but it almost looks like the car wasn't primed properly after a repair and that the paint is expanding at a different rate than the pannel and cracking . If I had a guess based on looking at the first picture, someone tried and do a repair with something like bondo that...
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    Need help fast, car wont start

    I would wait to hear what Chuck says but this might work. Disconnect the battery behind the rear wheel and then remove the 4-5 screws holding the drive's side knee bolster (the pannel below the sterring wheel) and then remove the alarm module (it should be mounted in the area where you put...
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    Pad removal

    The picture is still in Tomas's profile (page 3 I think).
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    Pad removal

    I just figured this out on my car when I took the hardtop off for the first time. There are three sets of threads on each sides of the sports bar and sports bar pad (as seen above). The middle hole on each side is for the metal stud that the soft top would latch onto (what I believe you...
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    Searching for assistance in learning about Vipers.

    If you need to stay within a budget, remember that unless the headgaskets were done on the 92-96 RT/10's it is likely that they will need to be replaced soon with the new style gaskets (~$1,000 for just the gasket). Also you see lots of people with low mile Gen 1's bragging that they still...
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    Well, This Time I have her Here @ Home! Finally My New Ride!

    Congradulations on finally getting that Viper you wanted.
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    Any garage floor pic's with epoxy ?

    Re: Any garage floor pic\'s with epoxy ? RedSnake, what were some of your mistakes that you learned from? I plan on doing Ucoat It it also and was wondering what you found.
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    Battery died - can't remove lug nuts

    Re: Battery died - can\'t remove lug nuts You may want to go out and get a nice tire iron (the type that is shaped like an X). That should help you get the leverage that you need and be more substantial than a cheap smaller one. Are they all on tight like that or is it just one that is giving...
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    Really sorry to hear about this. It is great to hear about someone who uses their Viper as much as you and really frustrating to hear when you get screwed for doing so.

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