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  1. V

    VOI9 Panoramic Photograph taken at the track

    Just want to let you guys know I got my picture. Did not open it yet. My wife just called me and said it is here...she knew I was waiting for
  2. V

    VOI9 Panoramic Photograph taken at the track

    Nope... Did not get mine yet. I would sure like to get it so I can put in my office. Let us know when someone gets it so I know I should be expecting mine soon.
  3. V


    Hmm..that is wierd it works for me too. But the only problem is that when you are always logged in you know what threads you have read and what you have not. By doing this, nothing shows up as unread since your last visit to the site.
  4. V


    Can someone please tell me why everytime I close my internet browser, I have to re-login even tho I check the box that says remember me? I don't know what I am doing wrong because some of the other sites keeps me logged in until I log out. Thanks
  5. V

    Garage floor covering input/recommendation needed

    LOL! That was funny. But what I actually ment to say was, does the floor with the sealer get slippery when it gets wet? My biggest concern is not really the stain, cause I like the concrete look, but would like something so it protects the floor from staining and not get slippery. Thanks
  6. V

    Garage floor covering input/recommendation needed

    Hey Zen: Does it get slippery when wet? Thanks
  7. V

    Garage floor covering input/recommendation needed

    Hey Zen: Do you know how this type of sealer would handle a garage with work done in it rather than a showroom? Thanks
  8. V

    Garage floor covering input/recommendation needed

    USAF: Any update on the flooring? My garage is almost done and I wuold like to do the flooring before I get any cars in there. Have any idea on pricing? Thanks
  9. V

    Got the RT/10 dyno'd today....

    Re: Got the RT/10 dyno\'d today.... Yea... I was thinking about going but I have the engine going in. I have been working on this engine and hopefully it should put out some good numbers. My friend with a Roe blown Blue and white might be there, he lives close by. I am hoping to get it done...
  10. V

    Got the RT/10 dyno'd today....

    Re: Got the RT/10 dyno\'d today.... Hey Mike: Where did you get it dynoed at? I have a Gen 2 with some mods that I am looking for a good dyno shop in AZ. Thanks
  11. V

    Before and After JM's Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore!

    Re: Before and After JM\'s Striker Heads - Not so creamy anymore! Why would a cam set off a check engine light? Just was curious cause I am putting a cam in my car. Thanks
  12. V

    Viper vs Viper at Luke AFB

    Luke days will be the same as the National Rend for the VCA. It use to be in conjuction with the Western Rend, but I think next year the VCA will be making it a much bigger event. It was a blast...last year, we had a tent next to the General, watch the show from a prime location, rented out...
  13. V

    Custom made Viper clocks

    Can you make anything? If I give you picture of my blue and can make one? Thanks
  14. V

    The Nevada Region thanks you all

    Thanks Matt for throwing such a great get party. AZ guys...
  15. V

    Please post your best 1/4 mile times (his AND hers) from VOI9

    Let me just start off by saying, I SUCK! So I know these times are bad, but oh well.. 12.7 @ 114 with a 2.3 60' time. I really need to learn how to launch better... I was in the 12s on all my full runs except 1. All I can say is I consistantly 60' times were always in the 2.2 and...
  16. V

    You want to see a VOI.10?

    LOL... I wanted one so bad that I was up early on Thursday and went down to the registration area and bought one and a bunch of extra stuff...
  17. V

    You want to see a VOI.10?

    Y2K5SRT! You are the hit the nail right on the head. VOI9 was a blast, it was my first one and surely not my last. Everything was great, I was a little confused about the ending of the whole event but I guess I was "expecting" some info about the new Viper, but I surely understand...
  18. V


    Ok...I know a few of you went to VOi and most of you did not. So here is the skinny on what was mentioned at the focus group and VOI. 1) Do you think that DC should produce a lesser performing Viper and sell that along with the V10 Viper? Similar to what GM is doing with their Corvettes...
  19. V

    Pics of my GTS SLAMMED into the weeds.

    Can you get a side pic of your car? I was thinking about getting black wheels with chrome lip for my blue and white too but wasn't sure how it would look. Thanks
  20. V

    RE: Nevada Front Plate Law

    LOL... The funny thing is in AZ, they only give you 1 plate. So even if we wanted to, we don't have another plate for the front...
  21. V

    New Viper owner saying hi and thanks...

    I don't know how to have it changed, but welcome to the family. I remember the first time I drove my Viper...heaven! BTW, the best advice that Viper owners have given me when I got my Viper and it was the best advice ever is.... "Make sure you are going straight when you stomp on the gas."...
  22. V

    Red/Black SRT delivered today ... PIC

    Hey I did not get mine
  23. V

    How many have registered?

    There is a guy from AZ that is going solo that is carvaning with us on Friday. Are you finding someone to room with and ride with at the events? Let me know.
  24. V

    How many have registered?

    Any word on how many people and cars are confirmed for VOI? I was just wondering as to how big this event will be. Thanks
  25. V

    Z06 vs. 05 Viper (with 3 mods.)

    Ok! Now since we all agree and we just have a group hug and end this thread... I start first...sorry for all the name calling, it was un called But it was sure fun, gave me something to do these past few days... With that been said I will offer my help to Blue on the cam...I am...