Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy?
Kurt K. (black/red)
BLUESNAKE367 (2 black/red)
HISSERMAN (black/red)
JERRYC (chrome/red)
AB (black/red)
JD (silver/red)
What does STAT stand for JD?
Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy?
Thanks again for helping me with the inspection ;)
So far, here's who I have ordering. If you want one, please add your name to the bottom of the list and repost.
Kurt K. (black/red)
BLUESNAKE367 (2 black/red)...
Jon - I have a headset installed in my roadrace helmet. It's the type where the mic is mounted on the helmet, but then you put on earplugs for the hearing. Plug earplugs into mic, and then the helmet to any type of radio (several adapters... I used the standard Motorolas). May be overkill for...
Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy?
I'll have them make up a special shiftlight for you AB, that requires minimal welding ;)
Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy?
Sounds good. BTW, in case people were wondering, this unit is adjustable for any cylinder combination. It is virtually idiot-proof to setup. I had it running on my first try (I was a little hesitant, since most people...
Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy?
Nope, no tach driver (I think you meant like a control unit, right?). This is a COMPLETELY self contained tube, and has a 10 foot long black wire (with 3 wires inside it... tach, power, ground) coming out of it. I...
Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy?
Yes, both the Raptor and High Tech look the same, except that the High Tech shiftlight requires a separate brain to install. This one is all self-contained, and is cheaper by $40 or so (and that's before the group buy...
First, my thanks go out to Steve-Indy for faxing me the appropriate wiring diagrams for the PCM. I just installed my new Raptor Shiftlight, and it works FLAWLESSLY. Originally, I was going to mount an autometer shift light, but I decided against it because:
1) Too big
2) Needed RPM pills...
AWWW, come on JD, you know me better than that :)
Actually, I need to tap the 12V switched as well as ground in the same location (PCM) as the tach wire. The shiftlight I have has all three wires bundled together for 10 feet until the last 3 inches or so. I'd like to keep them relatively...
Thanks Steve! I don't think I ever knew about the other forum... I always stuck with this one!
JD - I'll post pics of the install when I'm finished. The shift light is a tube about the size of a Lifesavers roll, and has 7 (I think) bright LED's on it.
Since the tach wire looks like it's...
I was looking through the illustrated upgrades, and saw a writeup for a shiftlight. Is the RPM sensing wire the same in a 2001 GTS as in the writeup? If anyone has the 2001 GTS service manual and could look it up to verify, that would be great. I'm testing out a new shiftlight, and if it...
FINALLY, someone else who had the same experience as me. I've had RT10's and GTS', with Borlas, Corsas, and muffler deletes. With and without cats.
I could never hear the drone. Or, maybe it's not loud enough to be a big deal?
I've had the rear muffler delete, Corsa and Borla. Borlas are definitely deeper than the rest. You can sometimes get a Borla for around $850 shipped on Ebay (which is what I did for my RT10). That was probably my favorite sound of the three. Corsa is a close second (but only because I went...
It seems like the math calculations concerning the StopTech fronts paired with a new rear caliper assumes that the piston is the only difference.
I was given the impression (when I was researching StopTechs before my ABS days) that it's not only piston size but also the shape and surface area...
How loud? Hard to describe... definitely louder than with stock or hiflow cats. It's probably best to hear it in person in order to make a decision for yourself. I only smell exhaust when I'm stopped at a light (and even then, I don't think it's that bad). Horsepower is probably not a factor...
I'd say on a scale of 1-10, stock cats produce 10 heat, hiflows 6 heat, and no cats 0 heat.
I've driven pretty hard with hiflow cats, and it is still pretty hot to the touch. With no cats, the sills always feel as cool as the other body panels.
Hi flows reduce temps, but it's still hot. I prefer no cats (I've tried both ways, and went back to no cats). It's really not that loud. If you want it to be "quiet", just upshift and ease up on the throttle.
Re: Anyone have pics of Viper with 17\'
Some tires have built-in "rim guards"... ie, a little bit of the rubber where it meets the rim sticks out a bit.
Re: Anyone have pics of Viper with 17\'
Yes, they do fit the same. The rears are the same diameter (26"), the front Pilots are 25.7" vs 25.5" for the Kumhos. The width's are within .1" of each other when comparing the same tire size across the two brands.
They look fine on the car... it's...
Yes, that's exactly what I did. Cut the cat leaving yourself as much of the curved flex pipe as possible (the straight part of it), and measure the distance from there to the exhaust (leaving yourself a couple of inches to slide the flared part over the flexpipe). Autozone sells a precut 18"...
I'm not sure what your question is... are you asking if you cut the inlet side of the cat, will the outlet side slide out of the catback exhaust? I did that, and replaced the cat with a 2.5" piece of straight pipe, just as you suggested. I flared the inlet side to fit over the flexpipe header...
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