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  1. T

    GoPro HD MotorSport Group Buy!!! GREAT PRICE!

    Payment sent to upgrade mine also. Thanks
  2. T

    Retaining clip replacement for clutch pedal linkage?

    For future reference to anyone who might need one in the future. Found it at the $tealership. Descripton 6035334: CLIP : MASTER CYLINDER P 119/E09 Part interchanges with part# 4294036
  3. T

    long time Dodge Guy, new Viper owner.

    Congrats and Welcome. Enjoy the ride!
  4. T

    Retaining clip replacement for clutch pedal linkage?

    I did the lowering clutch pedal mod today with the Roe kit. Pretty easy job but the retaining clips where a royal PIA. One came of without issues but the back was a B****h. I finally got it off and was OK until I bent the prongs back to normal position and managed to break it. Anyway...
  5. T

    GoPro HD MotorSport Group Buy!!! GREAT PRICE!

    I'm in. Put me down for.....> 1 Thanks.
  6. T

    I finally belong...

    Congrats.. Great find. She looks clean. Looks like you had good weather and missed an opportunity to really get aquainted with your new toy. I'm sure there will be more road trips in the plans. Enjoy and be safe.
  7. T

    Gen IV vs C6 supercharged

    What he said... If and when you DO make the run. Tell him that he needs to run with his traction control OFF. All the way OFF........:drive:
  8. T

    WOW! You guys have to see this

    Ouch! That should just buff out. No... that's just a BAD DRIVER. Hmmmm... maybe he had "OLD TIRES" :). They are pretty damn lucky they where not going faster. Could of ended up a lot worse for both. Too bad the tape stopped. Probably got real nasty. The tag on the link said SRT8...
  9. T

    Damn mice, how do you keep them out of your garage and car????!!!!!!

    :2tu: Put a car cover on, so the fur ball does not scratch your paint when he/she decides to camp out on top of it and your mice issue will dissapear. Although, I do not have a mice issue in the garage, I had a small snake and rodent outside. Non poison snakes but they spook the heck out...
  10. T

    Had a bad night

    That's what I thought.:hmmm: So what was the code?
  11. T

    The Viper can take a hit, that's for sure...

    Wow! Glad no one was injured. You have it on camera? I wonder if that can and will be used in court (If it comes to that)? Is your insurance company asking for a copy of it? I would think it would not be used as it could be argued that is was "Altered".
  12. T

    New Owner question about low mile cars

    Some of the reasons I've encountered over the years with buying used low mile sports cars: You have those that buy them because they like to have the hottest performance cars out at the time and only drive it on sundays, to car shows and or meetings. Those as mentioned already, realize...
  13. T

    Calling all sapphire bules

    2001 Sapphire GTS w/ Stripes, Black interior.......
  14. T

    Thought I would share a few pics .....

    Thank you.... Picked her up last December with 7k miles. Just turned 14k this month :D:drive:
  15. T

    Just bought a GTS!!

    Nice ride...Congrats!
  16. T

    Thought I would share a few pics .....

    Thank you. Good catch! I did not even see that. :2tu: No drop in. These where taken in ...... YBOR city here in Tampa. At 4:00 am on the weekend, it's pretty empty on the main strip. I'm sure weekdays is a different story. This pic is actually my right front fender showing the...
  17. T

    Thought I would share a few pics .....

    Thank you! #1 is my favorite also. Doing it when the streets are empty was the hard part....or should I say... the part I resisted the most. He wanted to be up and at it by 4 am.......on a Saturday morning !!! :omg: It worked..... This is a popular place for restaurants and night...
  18. T

    Thought I would share a few pics .....

    My neighbor has been asking me over the past few months about taking photos of my car. He's just getting into photography and just could not coordinate our schedules. Well... we finally did. Some of the shots that I like.
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    Sad News

    Always sad to hear.... R I P
  20. T

    Paint Correction 2001 Sapphire RT/10

    Looking forward to seeing the pics. Sapphire Blue is an awesome color when she's all "Purteed up". I don't find it any harder to keep clean than any other dark color. Once you get that prep work done, keeping a good coat of wax makes it easier to maintain. Yep.. the Junkman has some...
  21. T

    Looking for a Viper guru near Tampa, FL

    :D Sounds like a V V L P (Valrico Viper Lift Party) is in order. I'll bring the steaks :2tu:
  22. T

    few minor issues with my GTS

    :cool: You would not happen to have parked in the long term parking a few weeks back at the Tampa Airport would you? Or perhaps even parked in a parking lot off Hoover & Hillsborough? I noticed seeing a RED GTS all of a sudden a few weeks back in that area.
  23. T

    few minor issues with my GTS

    For #1.. do a search. There is a good thread on hood alignment/adjustment,etc. One of the threads talk about checking to ensure your latches actually engage fully. I had a similiar issue and not until a month after owning it did I get tired of that hood gap and did a check. Sure enough, it...
  24. T

    Man I love this car.

    Congrats on your purchase. New owner here as well. Picked her up the day after xmas with 7k miles and 3 months later............> she's got 12k :drive::headbang: I just can't keep my A$$ out of the drivers seat and it's my weekend toy! One of the benefits of living in Florida is we get to...
  25. T

    Pics of my calipers Pc vs. Black stock

    How did you do the Logo?

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