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  1. R

    Check Engine Light

    It sure would help to know what the code numbers are to help You with the problem. Real hard to diagnose a "My check engine light is on" with no symptoms or codes. I would doubt it was because of O2 simulators since a Pro installed the exhaust. :dunno:
  2. R

    Error Code P0151

    Error code po151 is low voltage to the ECM from the right side upstream O2. I'd be checking for a disconnected or broke wire there 1st. If that not the case then warm up the engine and back probe the connector to the O2. It should be changing voltage. Goose the throttle a few times and it should...
  3. R

    A day at my buddy Jerry's house

    Way tooo Kool. I'm moving to Kansas. Are`there really tracks like that there???
  4. R

    VOI9 patch

    Where can I find the patch that was ironed onto the breifcase at VOI9. In shipping back home it came off or was removed. Who was the supplier? or where can I get another. RA:2tu:
  5. R

    What Does He Do For A Living???

    IMO this is a legitimate question and all you have to do is answer it. Some save their money for years to own a Viper and some buy them from pocket change. I've been a street rodder for years and when they ask about my cars I answer the questions. Maybe it will get them in Our hobby or Club. One...
  6. R

    ABS Light ?'s

    Also look for a cracked sensor ring.. The ring where sensor picks up revolution where sensor mounts. Give false reads if cracked or distorted and will set light.
  7. R

    New to the Club!!!

    Alaska Viper I know of 9 Vipers in Anchorage. I had 2 just sold a RT and shipped to Washington. Still have a GTS. Good to finally get the cars out of the garage. I go to the Vette shows too but drive my 52 Chev. PU Rod. LOL. Welcome to the best car club around. How did you get AK VCA, I'm in...
  8. R

    Phtoshoot with my GTS

    My wife saw me look'n at the pictures and thought that was my car!!! Now I remember why I'm bald. She keeps slapp'n the head. LOL
  9. R

    Viper AC

    Look'n at the wiring diagram you have a motor thats about to give up or possible blower resistor that is bad. System has power direct to the motor then the ground side is resistance for speeds. Run a ground direct to motor ground and if speed increases resistor is bad if no increase then motor...
  10. R

    Head liner for a GTS

    Man, sounds like a guy could be in business sewing in new elastic.:D
  11. R

    Inner wheel/well detailing.

    WOW!!!! What cleaners you useing and do they take lots of scrubbing or mainly hoses off??
  12. R

    Headlight problem

    Looking at the wiring diagram I would try disconnecting the Daylight Running Module. It is the only thing that plugs into ONLY the right low beam lamp circuit before the bulb. Diagram says Module is on Right frame rail but not exactly where. In all due respect I don't want to argue with the...
  13. R

    Snake oyl Trunk release anyone have it????

    On the GTS you can get a live feed real easy under the left B pillar (by Driver side window) There is B+ and ground there for interior lights I believe. I used this for my Valentine 1 detector and also fused it there. (make a note in your book for fuse locate). Not sure if RT has wiring in the...
  14. R

    whistle from the rear.... problem???

    Almost sounds like a leak between an exhaust tip and pipe or a crack sucking air to whistle. Rub the pipes down with some Preperation H maybe shrink it back. Hard to get to the answer without hearing it and I looked for a post you were talk'n about and don't see one either.:D :2tu:
  15. R

    Viper AC

    If the system is cool but not as cold a usual then it is low on charge. It is considered NORMAL for a system to need a charge every 4-5 yrs. The manufactures have yet to design a front compressor seal that wil not leak some freon. Your car uses R134A so looking at the sight glass bubbles, if it...
  16. R

    My car made me look like an ass yesterday

    " My car made me look like an ass yesterday " Come on Bolt, Quit blaming the car. LOL
  17. R

    Headlight problem

    Agree HL switch would affect both. Either a damaged, corroded pin in the plug or a defect bulb. Probe the pins with bulb out using a test light or voltmeter when lights on make sure power is there before going into it. EDIT- I just looked at wiring diagram for a 96 RT. The high beams are on one...
  18. R

    Need to stay dry!

    I didn't have leaks in my RT with the factory hardtop or rag top. You sure the seals are good and the adjusters are pulling it down tight. They are adjustable to snug it down. If so then I would be talk'n to the 3 piece top maker. I had the 99RT so don't know about a curtain car for leaks around...
  19. R

    Head liner for a GTS

    On both my GTS and RT I pulled the liner down removed the mesh and sewed another thin piece of black elastic on top of the original elastic. Worked great and you have to really know what you are look'n at to see it. I did the same thing on the front seat pockets that stretch out.
  20. R

    American Muscle Viper

    I put 2005 wheels and new tires on my GTS. Today was the KOOL 97.3 Cruise. All types of cars meet at a Mall and drive to the drag strip for test and tunes. With the new tires not much wheel hop but sure was hard gettn tires to hook. 1st run spunem and had 13.5,112.5 the second was a [email protected]...
  21. R

    American Muscle Viper

    I'm watching 'Ram Air' on American Muscle, Speed Channel, tonight and saw a Red w/ White stripe GTS. Turbo charged. He did a burn out with quick shifts, solid burn out into 3rd gear. What I couldn't understand was the front wheels weren't turning. It looked like they left a creeper stuck under...
  22. R

    What has 5810HP and 5969Lbs of TRQ?

    WOW, got an E mail Sunday the 99 Black RT I sold and shipped down last month was at the Dyno. We don't have any Dyno's up here. Glad to see he's, ( RicK), have'n fun with You guys.:2tu:
  23. R

    Best Buffer?

    Just make sure you have a buffer with variable speed so you can start at low RPM while learning to use it. Just think how slow your hand buff can move and how slow a buffer can go!! There is NO way you can burn with your hand. Just go slow. In order to burn the paint you have to be in 1 spot too...
  24. R

    3M Bra

    Man, sure glad I can use a paint gun!! Repainted my RT front last month just before the sale. Sure saves with the DIY. Think I had 5 hrs and $80.00 in paint. It's a read the books and try it. If you have the time. But some rather pay us to do it. I guess.

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