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  1. N

    !!! 215 MPH !!!

    Here's some quick pics from the day. Viper team, and friends support vehicle the red Tiger. Ready to go, with air-flow-prep efforts, but was unable to remove my rear wing. I was trying hard to get towards 200 mph but realistically hoping for maybe 190 mph terminal for mine (just missed it...
  2. N

    The Wizard is out of town:

    Wizards here, got him on the beer so we can nick his passport!!
  3. N

    Wideband gauges install dash pics

    I've been so busy lately, not had much time to come to the site (boo hoo). But, been meaning to post pics for those interested of the gauges I installed in the dash vents for my Dynojet wideband displays. No cutting required, I made and painted a couple of little brackets from sheet metal, and...
  4. N

    Thanks Chuck

    It was again a fab BBQ, enjoyed seeing all the Vipers (...that showed... :shocked: ) torquing Vipers, discussing modifications, and chatting with such a cool bunch of Viper owners and their partners. Thanks Chuck and all at Tators for a wonderful time, glad I could make it again for the 3rd...
  5. N

    Tator webcam ????

    Re: Tator webcam ???? :o :o I flashed the camera, you saying you missed it? ...Oh my, it was a little chilly today, I had to be quick!! :D :D
  6. N

    Roe 10 PSI pulley arrived today

    Congrats. Looking forwards to seeing your Viper run when done! New idler is instead of, ie swap it out, to provide the right amount of tension on the new belt / pulley combo, otherwise you could risk slip / slack under demand, and may even pop the belt off.
  7. N

    ROE Water/Meth Question

    Dimitrios, Yeah, Roe Rocks! Come and find me for a chat at Chucks BBQ, I'll explain you the good stuff about it all!
  8. N

    Tator's Dodge is closed.........

    Re: Tator\'s Dodge is closed......... "in a bad way or good way???" ...I guess you'll find out Monday! :D
  9. N

    Tator's Dodge is closed.........

    Re: Tator\'s Dodge is closed......... Stu, see you Monday, I'm looking forwards to meeting you after seeing all your posts! :ooo: :ooo:
  10. N

    Changing out 5th and 6th Gear?

    Kai, you need to contact John at [email protected] This guy has done much work with T56s and for Mopar performance; I was lucky to find him. I swaped out the 5th and 6th gears on my OE rear-geared '97 for the same reasons as you state. John was real helpful with advice, besides all the parts...
  11. N


    :headbang: a month to go to the day :usa: :2tu: as it's already turned April 7th across the pond :D now does this mean I have less to wait than you guys, as I'm ahead in time by 5 hours! :confused: :smirk: 30 days :2tu:
  12. N

    The Wizard is leaving!

    Glad you had a safe trip back Chuck. A pic from the weekend of the Wizard overseas: :usa: :2tu: :headbang: :2tu: :usa: :2tu: :headbang: :2tu: :usa:
  13. N

    Valentine1 Reading - "J"

    Re: Valentine1 Reading - I hope "J" is not for jail! Not seen it on mine, but it's 2 year old. Should I send it back for updating?
  14. N

    red Viper out in the snow!

    We had to get a grip, no gloves!
  15. N

    EBC brake pads... anyone tried the "redstuff" series?

    Re: EBC brake pads... anyone tried the Reds no better than OEs under heat conditions, they broke up from the backing plate. I'm now using PFC and happy where I'm spending my dosh for breaks.
  16. N

    red Viper out in the snow!

    While out in NY Chuck took me off for some Viper playtime with a red Viper in the snow. Now I'm an experienced, blue / white stripes Gen II Viper owner, but these Gen I ' roll up windows...Skeeter and Chuck introduced me... I was keen to see how fast, how much noise...
  17. N

    Coming to NY for a week.....

    Baz, you can do plenty of shopping at Tators!
  18. N

    Zeroshift: synchroless T-56, "Fastest shifting transmission"

    Re: Zeroshift: synchroless T-56, I phoned them end of last year...the guy Phil that was posting here from Zeroshift and had talked to me, has since left, but the company were still wanting to trial one in my car...someday. It could however be another year until a tranny is ready for a Viper...
  19. N

    NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? (w/Instructions!!!)

    Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? Kurt K. (black/red) BLUESNAKE367 (2 black/red) HISSERMAN (black/red) JERRYC (chrome/red) AB (black/red) JD (black/red) ERDOC (black/red) TRAINVILLE (black/red) MNTNGTS99 (black/red) IEATVETS (black/red)...
  20. N

    Just Venting guys

    I bought mine at just turning 24, it took me six years to save the deposit and I've just over three of the ten years left to finish paying for him. Makes me mad when folks assume he's fathers or blokes car.
  21. N

    Adjusting your shocks

    If I remember right full stiff is 1 3/4. I prefer 1 1/4 front and 1 5/8 rear. This suits my driving style for autocross and managing understeer.
  22. N

    IT'S ALIVE........

    Re: IT\'S ALIVE........ SVS, that is VERY SEXY, made my night seeing your months of work, thank you for the post and pics; can wait to see your motors running results, all the very best. You are heros at currently 247 MPH huh, go take that further!
  23. N

    So what were some of the most memorable post people have made on here?

    Adam, get back to fabricating your SC system or twin turbos or whatever if you've got nothing better to do! (picking on girlies - huh!).
  24. N

    Picture of the Paolo Castellano Twin Turbo setup!

    Cool. When you recon you get to rip up asphalt with that beast this year?
  25. N

    So what were some of the most memorable post people have made on here?

    AB it HAS to be your welding sunburn, man I know you've moved on from that now, but that's the one I remember and that still cracks me up!

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