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  1. K

    Orange County Choppers Trip

    I'm in. Anybody from around Harrisburg,Pa going? I'm traveling up I-81 to I-84.
  2. K

    Orange County Choppers Trip

    Thinking of joining in on a nice day. Is OCC in Rock Tavern? and what time do you guys plan on being there? Thanks in advance
  3. K

    Orange County Choppers Trip

    Danny Boy, G'friend pregnant? what did you do? :D
  4. K

    How to avoid paying sales tax on out of state vehicle purchase?

    If it is a used car, you can fudge blue book value by saying the car needed this or that or repaired and bring the value down some. In our state the taxes are 6%, so $5000 under would still save you $300. See what you can get away with. I saved enough to pay for an extended warranty and then...
  5. K

    Wanted: To hear your Corsa in person

    Joe, I have the 3"corsa and no drone. I have also updated the cats with Sean's HF for the heat reduction, much cooler and much better sounding than stock. I'm a little east of Harrisburg if you ever venture up this way. :cool:
  6. K

    182 MPH and Got Busted!

    the guy was from schuylkill county and caught around Jim Thorpe (small town in pa). the guy was 35 and was arrested for DUI, resisting arrest, fleeing and eluding, and reckless endangerment. get this, the road was a 2 lane not 4. the news paper article did not say they took the car. he was...
  7. K

    Pedal adjustment

    find someone with a genII and let her try it. pedals adjust 4", my wife is 5'-3" and can't push it in all the way without being right against the wheel. I guess I left my self open with that comment. :D I also have the 1" seat lowering kit.
  8. K

    Anyone ever put a hitch on their Viper?

    I seen a Viper in Daytona pulling a custom painted trailer with a custom painted bike to match the Viper about 3 years ago. I wanted to stop him and car jack him :D but since I purchased a Viper last year I finally stopped stalking him. ;)
  9. K

    Losing power - plugs?

    Maybe some bad gas? :cool:
  10. K

    I want to get back into Vipers again! selling my Ferrari, any interest?

    Are we talking about Vipers or Ferraris? Wrong forum
  11. K

    The VCA needs your feedback

    Mopar all my life. 68 Dart GTS 2- 69 Darts 71 Scamp 74 Duster (new) 76 Aspen (new) 77 150 Ram (new) 77 Monaco (new) 80 Mirada (new) 84 Charger (new) 86 Duster (new) 94 1500 Ram (new) 96 Stratus (new) 98 Durango (new) 99 Viper GTS (used with 860 miles on it) 00 300M (new) 03 1500 Ram Hemi (new)...
  12. K

    New Garage Pictures

    Ron, Garage looks fantastic, but I would caution you on one thing. The covers on the garage door openers have a tendency to fall off. Had it happen to me, fortunately I had the Viper outside and was leaving when it hit the floor. Suggestion would be to put a screw in them so they can't fall...
  13. K

    Carlisle Caravaners.. Form a line here!

    Ed, give me a call or e-mail me with your new#. Friday night for a few sounds like a winner. :D We can hook up Saturday morning also, just give me a time and place. Or discuss on Friday night over a few cold ones
  14. K

    Carlisle Caravaners.. Form a line here!

    I'm in. Already have the registration. Are all you guys coming up on Friday or Saturday or both days. I'm only 25 minutes from Carlisle, so what time do you guys plan on arriving? Bonkers? Ed? Zommie? Dan? :D
  15. K

    PA caravan to Englishtown?

    Lauri, I'm not going to be able to make this one, however I was talking to Ed last night and he said he was going. But be assured we will meet again, since my tires have cooled off since the last time. :D
  16. K

    buck & surge

    A friends 98 GTS with 10k miles tends to buck and surge at low rpm's and low speeds, any suggestions? :confused:
  17. K

    My Wife Thinks I Am Stupid!

    I moved my bed into the garage, that way my wife can sleep with me to. :D :D
  18. K

    What is the most miles you drove on full tank?

    297 miles 12.5 gal. to fill :D
  19. K

    gas gauge reading right?

    :) Coming back from the Wizzard's BBQ I had 297 miles since last fill up and no light. However I figured I was running on fumes, filled up and it took only 12.5 gals. Pretty hard to believe, now here's the kicker. Total miles up and back to the BBQ 547. Had the car over 125 mph at least 15 times...
  20. K

    Viper Recall #998 and #999 - READ BEFORE YOU GO TO THE DEALER

    There are more than a couple of dealers in the country that can do 999. Frederick Dodge in Hershey, Pa. did mine. They had the special wire req'd for the weld. I wasn't the first one they have done either. Explained to me what they were going to do when the car was up on the lift and when I...
  21. K

    Gumball Rally Started thursday night. Cars impounded.

    Yes we have the left lane passing law but no one enforces it!
  22. K


    Dan, all I can say is BUMMER Hey I have a 99' red GTS don't have stripes though, want to borrow it? just kidden lol good luck
  23. K

    Tator's BBQ? When and what is this?

    Re: Tator\'s BBQ? When and what is this? ACELLR8, I came home after talking to you and checked the calender and BUMMER, coming back from Clearwater,Florida on the 3rd. Definitly next year. Sorry Wizard, could have made it one more GTS. :usa:

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