Jeff for president!
I think the indecisive drivers, that can't follow the flow of traffic, and can't think ahead, I think they are responsible for a lot of chain-reaction accidents. But they themselves are oblivious to the damage they do, and wonder why everyone seems to be going so fast around them.
Well, maybe this is just a local "LA" phenomenon.....
One time there was this radio traffic guy, who said axiomatically that "Speed is the primary cause of all accidents, speed, and speed alone "
I thought that was just too easy to say, because of course, if everyone had no speed, (stopped), there would be no accidents.
It bothered me so much, (feeling very petty that day, more so than usual!), so I called the radio station, and got that traffic guy on the phone, and challenged him on his wild statement. He just repeated it over again, as if that was enough. So I pointed out that the fatal accidents on the Autobahn compare favorably to the US traffic fatalities. So he says "Well, thats Germany, not the US, and we have more unskilled drivers here, so you can't expect us to allow people to drive that fast here in the US". So I say, yes, thats right, and its the skill level that contributes to accidents, not merely the speed alone. So he conceded that speed is just one of many factors that contribute to accidents. (Did he just
let me win that one?)