Gumball Rally Started thursday night. Cars impounded.


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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Here is my letter to the SF Gate:

The article on the Gumball rally irritates me. The general public have no idea what a safe speed is. Even 30 miles an hour is unsafe if you hit a brick wall. The motorists who call the CHP on speeders are self-righteous azzholes who have no idea if they were danger or not, as the Porsche or Ferrari goes speeding by. These little tattle-tales are misguided Dudley-Do-Rights, who have no high-speed driving experience, and don't know when they are in danger or not.

The article says that "Its what's behind the wheel" (that enables a Crown Vic to catch a high-performance sports car) I take it the speaker of this statement is implying that the CHP can catch a Gumballer because of his superior driving skills. This is pure bs, because without the color of authority, no Ferrari or Porsche could be caught with a Crown Vic, even a police special. And the CHP would never catch them at all, if it were not for the authority placed in them by we citicens, an authority which I still respect. If a Gumballer sees flashing lights behind him, he knows that the CHP can radio ahead, get a helicopter to join in the chase, etc. That is the only reason why they have to stop, not because of "whats behind the wheel"

Maybe we could issue a challenge to the CHP, for any officer that thinks he can catch a Viper with a Crown Vic. It would be fun to get on the track, so we can see how "Whats behind the wheel" does on a real high speed chase, the kind they never get to see on the freeway.

(Sounds of Crown Vics crashing into retaining walls)


Apr 3, 2002
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Dallas, TX
That would be a TON of fun!!! Until you got arrested, that is! Ponch and John would have let them go! Damnned modern CHIPS!!

Ron Hickey

Oct 2, 2000
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Falls Church, VA
I'm sure the good citizen lady in the Honda with her two kids didn't bother to think of pulling over to make the cell phone call to the CHP. The thought never crossed her mind that she -- with one hand on the steering wheel and the other dialing her cell phone -- was a bigger danger to her children than a car moving quickly 4 lanes over.

From the newspaper article:

Nevada highway patrol spokeswoman Angie Wolff said the CHP had sent her a warning about the renegades on wheels. "We were told that all these high-profile vehicles are coming our way," she said. "We had four calls early this morning about people in Porsches and Lamborghinis driving at extreme speeds."

There were no tickets or arrests, she said. Nevada being Nevada, Wolff said, they are not overly concerned. "A group of people in high-speed cars, well, you have a fast car, it's hard to go slow," she said.

"Unless there's chaos, we feel we have bigger fish to fry in terms of safety."


Apr 3, 2002
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Dallas, TX
If the SLOW people would stay in the SLOW lane, there would be no problems! I tend to act like an A$$ when I get behind some idiot doing 45 mph in the fast lane. Works my nerves! lol

Hoosier Daddy

Feb 3, 2002
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upstate, NY
At least one Patrol spokesperson has the right attitude!

"Nevada highway patrol spokeswoman Angie Wolff said the CHP had sent her a warning about the renegades on wheels.

"We were told that all these high-profile vehicles are coming our way," she said. "We had four calls early this morning about people in Porsches and Lamborghinis driving at extreme speeds."

There were no tickets or arrests, she said. Nevada being Nevada, Wolff said,

they are not overly concerned.

"A group of people in high-speed cars, well, you have a fast car, it's hard to go slow," she said.

"Unless there's chaos, we feel we have bigger fish to fry in terms of safety." "

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
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Las Vegas, NV
I saw a video posted on the internet of last years Gumball Rally. From the way some of these people were driving: passing on the shoulder, cut in and out of traffic real fast, to sum it up kind of driving like a bunch of A-holes I can kind of see why someone might call the cops. But, a lot of the general public would just call the cops on someone in a high profile car just out of jealousy even if the driver of the car was driving in a completely safe manner and doing the speed limit. I dunno, but this whole thing kind of gives us high end sports car owners a bad name. I for one drive extremely fast many times on the public highway, but I don't do it when there is a lot of traffic or where I would endanger anyone. I don't pass on the shoulder, ride right up on peoples bumper trying to get them to move over, or dart in and out across 4 lanes at once in heavy traffic. These guys I saw in last years video were driving like a bunch of freakin idiots as far as I saw. But I enjoyed the video nonetheless.


Oct 22, 2000
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Shelby Twp., MI USA
I am in Miami for the week and would like to see them finish, if anyone knows the time and place or a way to find out, I could take pix and post them.


Apr 3, 2002
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Dallas, TX
I saw a few of them come through Dallas last year. It was pretty cool, but I didn't see the F-50 or any of the spectacular cars. I guess I caught the back end of the pack.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Feb 26, 2002
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DelaWhere? USA
I think Angie should run for President. She obviously has her **** together...


Dec 14, 2001
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Wayne, IL
We have a buddy that is participating in the Gumball this year and all I know is he's having a blast :)


Apr 15, 2003
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Annapolis, MD
I saw a video posted on the internet of last years Gumball Rally. From the way some of these people were driving: passing on the shoulder, cut in and out of traffic real fast, to sum it up kind of driving like a bunch of A-holes I can kind of see why someone might call the cops. But, a lot of the general public would just call the cops on someone in a high profile car just out of jealousy even if the driver of the car was driving in a completely safe manner and doing the speed limit. I dunno, but this whole thing kind of gives us high end sports car owners a bad name. These guys I saw in last years video were driving like a bunch of freakin idiots as far as I saw. But I enjoyed the video nonetheless.

I have the same video downloaded on Kazaa. I was caugt by surprise due to the awful driving habits. It's almost as if they are saying they are exempt from being an average driver and having to wait for others to move into another lane. That attitude and ego ****** me off. I would also have called the police on those drivers, not because the best cars or that they are doubling the speed limit (unless it were in heavy traffic), but because they are driving erratically, almost like a drunk driver.

I for one drive extremely fast many times on the public highway, but I don't do it when there is a lot of traffic or where I would endanger anyone. I don't pass on the shoulder, ride right up on peoples bumper trying to get them to move over, or dart in and out across 4 lanes at once in heavy traffic.

I only drive 5-10 over on busy or patrolled highways (my dad thought I lied about that which was quite funny). But when I get an open stretch of highway (like on the drive home from college) I'd get the Mazda anywhere from 80 to its 105 top speed, as long as no one was on that stretch of road or if I'm in a convoy. I do tend to "push" other drivers out of the fast lane by getting 3-4 car lengths behind them.


Apr 15, 2003
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Annapolis, MD
More "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" signs would help.

Those don't work IMO. At least not in Myrtle Beach, SC (too many tourists not knowing what they're doing) or Roanoke, VA. All states should pass into law the one that PA has. You cannot be in the left lane unless passing.


Feb 4, 2002
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Maryland, USA
So these guys want to run a cross country race on the public roads. And I get the feeling that most guys here would like to be able to drive as fast as they want, as long as it's safe. And the folks in the fast lane better get out of the way if I come up behind.
I was just wondering what the highways would be like if it was ok and legal to do all of the above. Remember, you wouldn't be the only ones doing it. I'll bet there would be trouble when every kid ricer and motorcycle crazy decided to have a multi vehicle race around the Washington beltway.
How would you like to be driving the kids to school and have a pair of Hondas pass you at triple your speed, one on each side?
The yardstick I use to measure a driver I see on the street, doing something unusual is this.
Would it be ok if everyone did this?


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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All valid points, Joe. I'm not in favor of erratic driving, or being a d*ck head. I didn't know there was such a reputation associated with the Gumball rally. I would like to discuss general traffic for a moment, apart from the Gumball rally.

I don't think everyone should be a cop, or act like a cop, or call the cops just because someone is speeding. As far as I know, common speeding is not a felony. Let the cops be cops, and as long as no one gets hurt, (I'm not talking about the Gumball right now), as long as there has been "no harm", lets just say "no foul". Let the "bad guys" get away with speeding, unless you are a cop. If someone wants to harrass others, let them join the local police force. I just don't wanna see a police state, where every self-righteous Dudley-Do-Right just feels compelled to call the cops on someone, just 'cause they are speeding.

When I speed, (on my private test track), I am very courteous. I (almost) never make someone else slam on their brakes, or even change their direction or velocity at all. But I do like to win, and believe me, its just like a race on the freeway out here in So Cal. No one admits it, but half of the motorists are always jockeying for position, hoping to gain on their "opponent" by a car length, hoping to get ahead, and this effort is only marginally balanced by the speed limit. This is the normal state of affairs, and it is fostered by our culture. Even Dodge has this commercial that shows a Dodge Ram truck beat a dragster off the line, when the light turns green. (OK, I know its supposedly because the nerds' chute deployed, but it still fosters a competitive attitude, as the Ram driver motors happily ahead, gloating he is in first place)

Power sells vehicles, and they know it. To me, all of life is a race, and public traffic is just a mirror of society's values for speed and style. Even soccer moms are competitive drivers, (just at slower speeds), as they cut each other off in the school parking lots while picking up the kids. Even old men are competitive, albeit only working for a stalemate, as they meander out in traffic, deliberately trying to merge at 20 miles an hour, while "them punks" are doing 60. Even those who don't own sports cars are acting competitively, regarless if it is only in a passive-agressive style, its still competitive behavior. Everyone is guilty of being competitive, so no one has an excuse to call the authorities on another, unless there is a compelling reason. Out here in So Cal, almost NO ONE is driving the posted speed limit. The CHP is fully aware of this, and if everyone slowed down, public revenue from traffic tickets would dissappear. The CHP just uses typical and quite normal behavior, (Speeding), to generate revenue. They capitalize on it. If we as a society were really interested in everyone slowing down, we would ban sports cars, take car commercials off the air that foster competitiveness on public roads. But we don't. So its like the powers that be, our elected governing officialdom, just pretend they are all for the speed limit, but in fact and practice, they really are content to just "rake it in", to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars going into the "public" coffers. They count onn this money to fund their various "gubmint" projects, and if this revenue wasn't there, they would cease to function. Revenue from traffic citations is huge, and has become the "bread and butter" long enough, where now they can't do without it. Don't think so? Then maybe they would like to return it to the public in a rebate check. (Don't seem likely!)

Back to those who call the cops on speeders. My opinion is that they are misguided souls, jealous and bitter because they can't stop a speeder by straddling two lanes with their mini-van, (I made that one up, but bear with me), and having no power to win the defacto "race" we are all in with their P.O.S., they resort to becoming a tattle-tale, and call the police, so they can at least gloat in the knowledge that although they did not "win" the race, they at least caused the (richer, more affluent, more powerful) other competitor (sports car driver) to experience the pain of getting stopped, and getting a ticket. They are driven by the most petty and shallow of all motivations, and failing to recognize their equal status of guilt, they feel exonerated by the law. Vile humanity that they are.

So these guys want to run a cross country race on the public roads. And I get the feeling that most guys here would like to be able to drive as fast as they want, as long as it's safe. And the folks in the fast lane better get out of the way if I come up behind.
I was just wondering what the highways would be like if it was ok and legal to do all of the above. Remember, you wouldn't be the only ones doing it. I'll bet there would be trouble when every kid ricer and motorcycle crazy decided to have a multi vehicle race around the Washington beltway.
How would you like to be driving the kids to school and have a pair of Hondas pass you at triple your speed, one on each side?
The yardstick I use to measure a driver I see on the street, doing something unusual is this.
Would it be ok if everyone did this?


Aug 17, 2001
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Orlando FL and Seneca Lake NY
I would agree with the thinking of most of the posts here, if I had not seen the videos from last years race.

Some of the racers are completely out of controle and should be arrested no question.

I don't think most of the guys who posted here realized what stupid [******] these people do in this race.

Here is one of the videos of a guy doing 167MPH (maybe it is KPH I can't see it well enough, but the other videos show 180MPH doing the same thing) passing tractor trailers, vans, trucks etc on the right shoulder.

To me NOT cool at all.

For the people who did not see the video there were times racers where on both shoulders cutting inbetween tractor trailers. A couple cars had the paint sand blasted off the front of their cars from going almost 200MPH for well over an hour.

Here is the link for one of the milder videos. I will try to find the other ones.


May 4, 2002
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The whole problem with American drivers is that, by in large, once on the road, the only driving tenant they stick to is the speed limit. If people would spend less time ******** about cars exceeding the posted limit by 15mph and educate half these crackerjack box drivers on safe passing, cruising in the correct lane, not tailgating, 10 and 2 etc...we wouldn't deal with half the ******** we do.

Anybody that has lived or been to many European nations knows this. While their may be anarchy on the small roads in England, on the motorway, your ass better [******] not be cruising at 2 or 5 over in the fast lane or you'll get a love tap from a kind bloke in a transit van. Or even if you are, if you see someone coming up, get the hell over. Not like in Detroit where it becomes a ******* contest of "oh no, you aint passing my Ram 2500 doing 71 in the far left". Likewise in England, if you pass on the left, prepare to be boxed in and screamed at by livid motorists(backwards driving).

I wasn't a big fan of living in England,and although it kills me to admit it; it would behoove the US to adopt some of their driver education ideas. I felt safer cruising at 130 on roads there with no belt than I do going 75 on I-94 here. It's all about predictability and knowing some bonehead in a minivan isn't gonna do a four laner and go 30mph slower than you 100 feet ahead.

I say charge on Lambos!

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
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tampa, fl USA
More "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" signs would help.

Those don't work IMO. At least not in Myrtle Beach, SC (too many tourists not knowing what they're doing) or Roanoke, VA. All states should pass into law the one that PA has. You cannot be in the left lane unless passing.

They wouldn't be a "solve all" solution, but they would help. Signs in conjuction with a "Keep right" campaign would do it. Just like the buckle up campaign. 20 years ago I was the only one in the whole country that wore a seat belt, nowadays most people wear them.

only drive 5-10 over on busy or patrolled highways (my dad thought I lied about that which was quite funny). But when I get an open stretch of highway (like on the drive home from college) I'd get the Mazda anywhere from 80 to its 105 top speed, as long as no one was on that stretch of road or if I'm in a convoy. I do tend to "push" other drivers out of the fast lane by getting 3-4 car lengths behind them.
You sound like a responsible driver. That sounds like the way I drive.


Dec 14, 2001
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Wayne, IL
I can barely remember the video of last years event but didn't the cars go on the shoulder to pass the trucks because the trucks wouldn't let them pass in the first place?


Feb 4, 2002
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Maryland, USA
Remember guys, If there were no speed limits, you would not be the only ones going very fast. Everyone who felt like it would be driving fast. How smart are some of these folks? Are they as good at driving fast as they think? How safe would you feel with teenagers in old Camaros going along at 130 or so.
How fast would the big trucks go if there were no speed limit?

It would be cool if I could drive as fast as I wanted to.
It would not be cool if everyone drove as fast as they wanted to.

And please, don't tell me that you think a cross country road race, in traffic, is a good idea. It's a stupid idea.


Feb 4, 2002
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Maryland, USA
Let me tell you what I think the rules should be.

Most superhighway, daytime suggested speed "limits" should be at least 85 mph.

Big rig trucks must stay in the far right lane and maintain at least 55 mph. Passing only in some marked places.

Most traffic citations issued by police would be for "driving in an unsafe manner". Not for breaking any law. Remember, we don't really want hard rules.

No special left lane for passing. Slow cars keep right as a general rule, left lane cars should be at limit, but you are not driving safely if you are coming up behind slow traffic at very high speed.

Open road limited access highway, no other traffic within 1/4 mile = no set speed limit.

In town laws are ok as is. Red light cameras are ok untill the cops find some other way to stop red light runners.


VCA Member
Oct 22, 2000
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Apache Junction AZ
Don't they teach common courtesy in driving school anymore. If someone is behind me and flashess their lights I take it that they would like me to move over when it is safe to do so. 4 times in the last 3 years I have run across buttheads that not only won't get over when it is safe to do so but have actually slowed down to an unsafe speed and one who actually came to a stop in the fast lane. I agree with the above posts that the left lane should be for passing and anyone that intentionally hinders traffic in that lane should lose his liscense.


Apr 3, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Joe117, both of your posts pretty much sum up my stance on the whole thing! A cross country race isn't really a great idea, but it would be a heck of a lot of fun!

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