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  1. T

    An unfortunate first - car keyed

    Yep, when I bought my first Viper it had that talking alarm on it. I came out of a resaurant one night to find some assclown kicking my tires just so he could hear it talk again, and again, and again. I got in his face a little.....until I realized he wasn't actually hurting anything. People...
  2. T

    Nitrous bottle openers? Suggestions?

    The purge button is made by "Ignited." You'll find them with a search on the web. I bought this one off of ebay. Kinda cool since they come in all sorts of colors and are lighted. Good luck, Ted
  3. T

    Custom hood grilles for sale.......only 1 set!

    I decided several months ago to try and powdercoat my "speaker grilles" on the hood of my silver/blue GTS. I didn't want to ruin my set, so I bought a spare set to experiment with. I had them powdercoated in 'near chrome' which match my silver paint perfectly. Since I was going to the...
  4. T

    Nitrous bottle openers? Suggestions?

    Here's a couple if pics of what I recently did. I took the lid off a spare ashtray and inserted switches in an aluminum plate. I like the fact that I can swap out ashtrays and don't have to cut any holes in my dash. Hope you like.....
  5. T

    Two thumbs up for

    Absolutely! I recently bought a Simpson helmet and received it within a couple of days. Pretty competitive prices PLUS the VCA discount. I received a free tinted visor and free shipping. Great place to go if any of you need a helmet.
  6. T

    Need help fast, car wont start

    The fob is exactly your problem (which you know now!) My Viper tech said there is just about no way to disable the factory alarm. After disconnecting and reconnecting power to the car, the alarm automatically arms itself. Therefore when you go to start it, it WILL start, but the fuel...
  7. T

    Rollbar needed - anyone want to part with one?

    I was thinking of putting a rollbar in my '98 GTS. It seems prices on rollbars have gone up a little. Anyone know which is the best.....OR better yet, anyone have one they would get rid of? TIA
  8. T


    I got mine off of ebay a couple of months ago. They were about $40-$45 for the set and they fit and work perfectly!! I turn the key and they pop up automatically, without even touching the glass. Install was a breeze too
  9. T

    Sandbalsting a part for a Viper...need to find plastic media

    So what parts are you blasting and why do you need plastic media? I was thinking of purchasing a blasting cabinet and would like to hear what you guys are using...
  10. T

    Sandbalsting a part for a Viper...need to find plastic media

    So what parts are you blasting and why do you need plastic media? I was thinking of purchasing a blasting cabinet and would like to hear what you guys are using...
  11. T

    Viper Magazine Centerfold Posters are here!!!

    I just ordered both. Very nice!!
  12. T

    factory alarm question

    Try replacing the batteries in your fob. That's a cheap place to start and maybe it's running out of juice. The factory alarm has a fuel-interrupt which will allow the car to start, but then it quickly dies (when alarm is activated). I'd check the $5 battery first. Good luck,
  13. T

    Car takes a while to turn over...HELP

    When my battery was getting low.....let me rephrase that.....just before my battery totally failed, I experienced trouble starting. The starter sounded sluggish and it took several seconds to start. If your starter sounds quick and lively, it must be a fuel issue. If your starter is sluggish...
  14. T

    A/C problems......about ready to gut HVAC system!

    It appears it's quite common to have A/C issues with our cars. I tried to charge the system with a can of R134a, but it still blows warm air. Maybe I have other problems, but it doesn't appear to be leaking anywhere. Anyone actually remove their A/C garbage? I know the ACR's were available...
  15. T

    A/C Compressor replacement

    Did you try to recharge your A/C without proper gauges? I've heard of that happening. If not, did it just wear out?
  16. T

    Where to get racing gear?

    I don't know about the other stuff, but offers a decent discount to VCA members. Not bad prices either and my Simpson helmet came with a free visor and free shipping. When you're ready for a helmet, see them!
  17. T

    Where to run nitrous lines on GTS?? Inside or out??

    What tunnel are you guys referring to, the center tranny tunnel, or another portion of the frame?
  18. T

    Scatter shield

    Wow, that looks great! Did you keep the template around? You ought' be selling those. I'm looking at replacing my clutch and flywheel soon. With mostly street driving and intermittent drag racing, what would you recommend?
  19. T

    Where to run nitrous lines on GTS?? Inside or out??

    That must take one LOOOONG coat-hanger!
  20. T

    Where to run nitrous lines on GTS?? Inside or out??

    I am getting ready to install the nitrous line from the trunk of my '98 GTS to the engine compartment. What is the best way to route the line?? I am hoping for a pre-existing tunnel so I don't have to run it under the car or through the passenger compartment. Also, I just fabricated a 1/4"...
  21. T

    Flywheel question

    While on the topic, what's the best replacement flywheel to get. My car will be mostly street with an occaisional drag strip use. It has a 200hp wet shot of nitrous. Aftermarket light flywheel, or OEM replacement???
  22. T

    Question for NITROUS guys...

    I'm not looking for any HP gain, just looking to clean up the engine need for an extra foot of braided line to have to hide. Thanks AGAIN for the TOOFAST bracket offer, but I will fabricate my own solenoid mount. Your unit looks good though :2tu: Okay, okay, I guess...
  23. T

    Question for NITROUS guys...

    I bought that kit, except it came with a 10 lb bottle. I bought the purge separately and am shopping for a warmer before I install it all. I was actually looking for the fittings/tools needed to do it myself. Larry, I GREATLY appreciate your offer and might take you up on it if I can't...
  24. T

    Someone show me where the harmonic balancer is.....

    Harmonic balancer is in tandem with the crank pulley. Look down at the main crank pulley and you will spot the balancer. Any other problems would depend on the year of your car...
  25. T

    Question for NITROUS guys...

    I just received my NX wet system and the -4AN braided hoses are way too long (from solenoid to nozzle). Has anyone shortened hoses before, and if so, HOW? Hopefully I won't have to order a set of custom ones. TIA, Ted

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