Odd looking seats in Gen II Vipers, part leather and part vinyl with cheap nylon carpeting for the back? Is the center section (perforated) the only leather part?
Great , my fav.. can I use this??
Also, I asked a friend of mine.. Cobra Jim ( 427 AC Cobra roadster) " Is there anything hotter than a chick driving a Viper?" His reply..."not on this planet"
Well, I just got back and it was a great show. The "Viper with all the bolt-on's" was also there...and it's awesome. There was a DC man in front with a digital camera offering to take free pics of you in front of the grey special edition car ( the one with 675 HP and asymetric red stripe) and...
AviP, I think you're missing the point, JonBpartsrack doen't guarrantee he can save you money on every transaction...just that we should think of our own first...BEFORE dealing with outsiders...give em a chance.
I am an admitted eBay junkie, and I have bought an sold many things on eBay (...
Of course, but you may subtract 10 ar 20 lbs if you are "thinking of going on a diet in the near future" ;)
BTW I asked a friend if there is anything hotter than a chick driving a Viper...his response was ...
" not on this planet" :cool:
OK Thamks, I will call Rodger tomorrow. I have a 97 GTS. Does the material have a "pebble grain" texture? I am trying to post a photo of my bolster http://
A lot has been posted on this. Try a search...or you can find my post on this by doing a search on " heatproofed" If the fiber insulation is wet from car washing, dry it out first before repair.
If your new exhaust has hi-flow cats or cat delete, your're gonna notice a big improvement...
Re: What\'s the biggest difference between 96-99 GTS\'s
Click on the Viper REgistry on the tool bar at top of page . Then scroll down on the left side and click on the "features by year" button
Hope this helps
Don't like to brag BUT...drove the Viper again all day today. May as well enjoy the global warming thing .
I usually keep the insurance all year on my bikes and cars...less hassle...boy I'm glad I did this year anyway...usually in Buffalo we're only good until the first week of December
Happy New Year to all :laugh: ....and I'm not only an enthusiast..but now a Viper owner :2tu: ( Can't update my profile yet due to a VCA software prob. :confused: )
HELL YEAH....had it out all day today...and loving it...seems to have more power/. :nana:
Not good to let a car sit for long...I love this car as much as my Porsche!!
Rear traction is iffy in these cold temps tho... :crazy:
Of course I am interested, that's why I PM'd you and called Tator 3 weeks ago. I asked you to email me at [email protected] or call me at (716)874-3247. When I didn't hear from you, I assumed Chuck was still in procees in the take-off?
You have my heartfelt sympathy. Hopefully you can take some comfort and reassurances from the members posting here and use that to comfort and reassure your mother.
I feel your pain as I have lost both my parents.
Decent day today, cold but sunny. Prolly last outing of the year. Met my son for a nice breakfast...and he got his first ride in the 'new'car...and his first DRIVE in a Viper. He's an excellent driver and did very well considering the tires were cold .....and his Dad sitting next to him..he...
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