You might want to re-read the post. He asked "most desirable and for what reasons" and if you take the time to read my response you will see that I copied that from one of my other posts and clearly stated that "I posted this before and hope it might help".
Also, it sounds like you have a viper without ABS..... sorry to hear that. Don't worry it's still a viper. Oh ya, I still love my non ABS viper with forged pistons, just not as much as the real deal ABS GTS! Just giving a non bias opinion about my experience of owning BOTH! Here's your bonker smiley back.....
Happy New Year to you sir.
You have been regurgitating your defensive post both here and at the Alley so many times, some people might think some of your claims have truth in them. You voice a lot of opinions which have NO basis in fact. Anytime some one mentions "creampuff" you get into a lather. Please show me some PROOF of the claims you make:
"you will get more life out of the hypereutectic pistons" Please show some kind of proof that there is any validity to this. Given the choice, NO ONE would pick the cast pistons over the forged. But you claim they will "last longer" and are more desirable. Kinda doubtful.
"They have the stronger frames right from the factory with the best of the best fit and finish" (I guess they put the slackers on the line in the earlier years?) Please verify how your year is built better? Because of the frame recall? Big deal, it's probably stronger now than yours is.
"I wouldn't spend the money to replace a cam if it's a good cam". That's true. The earlier years had the best cam, that's a fact. Not yours. NO ONE would put your cam in their car. But some people opt to put the 708 cam in like the earlier years.
I do wish I had ABS breaks in my car, but with the brake kit's available like Dave's it will break far better than yours, as they are almost SRT quality brakes. So brakes aside, nothing in your '02 is better than the earlier years, and most things are NOT as desirable.
Feel better?
BTW '99 is the best year, not mine. At least I can be honest.