Here are shots of the three Vipers shown in the Dodge exhibit:
They were crammed in the back of the exhibit, so the lighting and angles are not too good!
I never understand Dodge's marketing. In contrast to the three locked Vipers crammed in the back of the exhibit, Chevy had a ZO6 right out front of their exhibit with a long line of showgoers taking turns sitting in it and soaking up the aura. Close by they had a C6 convert that they were using for a prop for people to get free pictures taken -- the line was out the door.
When you've got something this hot to show, why don't you really show it off?!! I was leaving the show and a couple of teen age kids saw my Viper brochures and asked me where that car was in the show. They said that they had been at the show all day and thought that they had seen every car on the floor, but they hadn't seen the Vipers. Beats me why Dodge wants to hide them!!