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  1. B

    Track Day Homestead 08/22/2009

    you live in the cyber world now and its your first post. i hope some other vipers will come, i try to spread the word. lets see.
  2. B

    Viper Techs

    John B is correct. University Dodge and the only person to touch your car is the service manager Mark Leslie and you can see the 1 of 1 acr thats there being modded. :2tu:
  3. B

    Track Day Homestead 08/22/2009

    HOD is at homestead on the 22 of August and Pres. Ivan has gotton a discount for members and lunch is included.:2tu:
  4. B

    SRT Track Experience is back on

    im scheduled for the oct. 29 already. i like the mid week days, should be the least amount of people. lets see if it happens
  5. B

    First Yellow ACR ??

    they wont take there overpriced crown jewel out of there showroom, so the cost of those outdoor pictures would be 132K. i can use my imagination. the car needs some type of stripe, doesnt look finished. my 2 cents
  6. B

    Track Day Homestead 7/26/09

    great trackday the weather held. onlt 2 vipers but low turn out which means lots of open track. will keep posting events as they come up
  7. B

    Why would this part of the engine bay be scratched??

    somebody tryed jump starting alot or as stated above kept scrathing away to make contack instead of using the bolt on the starter or alternator which is ever on that side
  8. B

    Track Day Homestead 7/26/09

    ERME track day at homestead on july 26,2009. 3 vipers so far
  9. B

    First Yellow ACR ??

    yes sir it arrived on tuesday
  10. B

    First Yellow ACR ??

    they are asking 134k for it :omg:i can have mine disassembled and paint the sides yellow and have money left over to buy a used viper. i have to agree it needs the red driver stripe. just like the white and black acr without the driver stripe its ok but the red stripe really sets off the paint...
  11. B

    First Yellow ACR ??

    i think i uploaded the pictures. this is from my service manager buddy that arrived today at there dealership. its amazing
  12. B

    Best car cover for ACR

    i have one from snake oyl products and love it. fits perfect and nice and thick and soft.
  13. B

    09 ACR ride

    08 and settings were all over the place
  14. B

    another clearbra question

    the clear bra question shouldnt be where to put it on but who you should install the film. ive seen to many hack jobs done to others cars to save a few bucks. i have a black car that has it installed on all contact points. nose/bikini hood/full side sills/rear/front quarter panels/mirrors.(i...
  15. B

    ACR Sport Cup tires below wholesale!

    shipping cost to miami,fl. 33196 if you dont mind sir thanks
  16. B

    Turbo Wax rocks!

    thanks tito, thats what i thought and what ive done. if you want to come out of retirement i have a black acr you can try all your products on and make a few bucks too and im even in the neighborhood.
  17. B

    Turbo Wax rocks!

    tito how clearbra friendly are your wax products, i hate that i can wax my car but not the clear bra areas for fear of the dreaded white line issues(my car is black). i use the detailing sprays or polishes(plexus). thanks benny
  18. B

    Daytona HPDE on Dec. 4-6

    getting some views, any maybes out there, i know its six months away but its daytona. somewhere you can really open these cars up and drive.
  19. B

    Daytona HPDE on Dec. 4-6

    dragged this over from the vette forum to see if anybody is interested. Want to run DAYTONA? Registration is open for the 3-day Audi HPDE that will be held December 4-6 this year. You'll be running the 3.56 mile Rolex 24 course: You run the "NASCAR way", i.e. counterclockwise. This...
  20. B

    Please sign this petition!!!!!

    signed... Benny Nodarse
  21. B

    So is this normal on a newer ACR - AC question

    something wrong, car in the recirculate will cool cabin down quickly and then it gets to cold and have to adjust the knob to warm up a little . there should be no cycle from warm to cold air.a/c is much better than my old 06 and 05 in the new 08 which i believe is from the cross over delete
  22. B

    Checking interest in a ACR

    will give him a cal thanks in my mind a fair price is 90K, i see the value of these going up. make me a offer thanks
  23. B

    Checking interest in a ACR

    thanks chuck, would love to do a comp coupe but trying to simplify my track days id be more nervouse damaging that bad boy. vetts are cheap and plentiful with all the hard work done and the race car market is in the toilet so there are some great deals out there dtenny, you know exactly...
  24. B

    Checking interest in a ACR

    debating about selling my Black acr and going into a full race prepped car. love doing the hpde's 1 to 2 x a month but always worried what if ?? looking at c5z06 race cars which are quite cheap right now and easy to maintain and cheap to fix if oops happens. i see myself getting into some door...

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