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  1. S

    Best comment you overheard someone say about your car...

    Sounds like we're getting into the "Worst comment you overheard someone say about your car".
  2. S

    Hard Top vs Soft Top Convertible Gen V ??? Poll!

    I have a Miata with a retractable hard top. It does not make the interior more noisy.
  3. S

    Viper Powered Jaguar XJ-S

    The hood looks like it was made by a high school tech shop. Throw it away and try again.
  4. S

    Diy low profile ramps

    Is that board already sagging from the weight, or is the wood grain just making it look that way?
  5. S

    Help with my classified ad?

    You edited it. It now has to be reviewed by whoever does those things and, if acceptable, will be re-approved. There's a good chance the people who approve these things are tucked into bed for the night.
  6. S

    Trading my 03 Viper-Laugh of the week...

    Sure you can but it will cost you. This is one of the benefits of being a VCA member. I doubt listing the car for sale will cost as much as $125 though.
  7. S

    "Did I really just say that?"

    The SRT Viper is a concept car? How is it going to change before production starts?
  8. S

    Why so many enthusiasts who own Vipers and not VCA members ?

    Why do you assume the deaf ears of this place are deaf? They may have heard your suggestions and decided they weren't worth implementing. This isn't a la carte buffet dining. For someone with an obvious chip on his shoulder you spend quite a bit of time on this forum and posting many comments.
  9. S

    Finally Replaced my 99 with an 08

    Very pretty. The ride is that much better? I guess I won't look at anything but Gen 3 or 4 to replace my 2003.
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    Just found out something I didn't know!

    I didn't know it either. I thought I was being a little funny with a play on words there. Maybe not as funny as I thought.
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    Just found out something I didn't know!

    I hoped you didn't just find out something you knew all along. :)
  12. S

    Viper powered Firetruck

    If only I had a ton of disposable cash I would bid that thing right into my driveway. I think it's cool, and definitely unique.
  13. S

    How did the DMV miss this one?

    In New York there's a box on the form and you have to spell out in clear and unadulterated english what your personalized license plane means. Not only do you have to be clever to come up with a license plate you will enjoy showing off (and nobody else has yet) you also have to be clever in...
  14. S

    Well this is not cool...

    Was your predication predicated on a prediction?
  15. S

    But...but...but, it has nannies!

    My guess is the last thing that 19 year old and the 28 year old were thinking about while driving those Ferraris was the nannies built into the cars.
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    Almost disaster

    Re: Almost disaster.... I count six. Where are the other eighteen?
  17. S

    Yet Another Annoying Gen V Article

    Or at least until people see things your way.
  18. S

    But...but...but, it has nannies!

    This is bs. This crap doesn't belong on the streets. It has nothing to do with nannies.
  19. S

    Yet Another Annoying Gen V Article

    Yet another writer who has as much credibility as I would have. Being in print does not make it gospel. You don't know who to believe any more.
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    Well this is not cool...

    Is everything peaches 'n cream on the Corvette forums?
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    Well this is not cool...

    Well, welcome to the forum, I guess.
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    Almost disaster

    Re: Almost disaster.... Like Sonoman suggested in his post, I would replace all of them, at all four corners.
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    New Tunnel

    Somebody's doing a really poor job of holding steady throttle in that tunnel. :)
  24. S

    Ferrari Boss Left “Speechless” After Seeing The New SRT Viper

    When I saw it at the New York Auto Show I too was speechless, but that was because I didn't say anything. I went to the auto show alone.