I have been away for a while, living in Afghanistan and now need to resurrect my thread.
I have had 17 oil changes on my car and the only time I didnt pop the hood and check for oil is when I brought it to a place that should be capable of properly changing my oil with out directly naming this place in Vero Beach that sells cars of a similar make. I brought the car to get the oil changed and $442 later had oil and rear differential fluid changed. While on the lift at our local dealership I noticed, A. The blocks were not screwed out and the lift points were crushing the bottom of the front fenders, and the answer was, "it's suppose to be like that.... B. I noticed power steering fluid, a lot, not my normal drip, on the PS pump and was told, yeah, we just added fluid and must have spilled some.... C. saw an awful lot of "bugs" on the windshield after driving down to West Palm the next week from Vero Beach and when I stopped realized it was oil, there was no dipstick in my oil hole, oh, and I picked up new windshield wipers the same day I left, how many Viper dipsticks are left laying around anyway, not knowing how much oil was left I had it changed at a Jiffy lube and they said about 5 quarts came out (no check engine or warning light either, strange).... D. On the return ride about a mile from my house there was a squealing sound from the engine, and when I stopped, power steering fluid completely empty and fluid all over the engine and front D/S wheel well, guess they did not over fill the reservoir but there was an impending failure about to happen....
Anyway, are there any tips on how difficult it will be with clearances and all for replacing the power steering pump someone may offer or should I just fill it up and get a local shop the swap it out?