Viper Owner
\'04 Viper Engine only; What\'s it worth?
I have the opportunity to buy a motor from a '04 Viper with less than 2k miles on it. Supposably, it has a cross threaded bolt in the crankshaft pulley and Dodge warrantied the engine. Everything is included (alt,p/s,a/c comp.,all pulleys, all manifolds, injectors, EVERYTHING). What would this beast go for so I'll know what to offer him? Thanks for any insight or should I stay away.
I have the opportunity to buy a motor from a '04 Viper with less than 2k miles on it. Supposably, it has a cross threaded bolt in the crankshaft pulley and Dodge warrantied the engine. Everything is included (alt,p/s,a/c comp.,all pulleys, all manifolds, injectors, EVERYTHING). What would this beast go for so I'll know what to offer him? Thanks for any insight or should I stay away.