Get a hold of Janni.. whooops.. make that Randy Cade of the NC VCA. I'm SURE randy would be more then happy to help this worthy cause, with all the homeless kids it will feed, etc (oh, thats what he will have to tell Deb his wife, lol). But I think you will see he can rally up some support for this. Plus where are the usual suspects from the carolinas? John S., Eric H., Dr ****, Ling, sticker stu, and from the VA VCA: John no slong (freeman), George ******** and their boyfriend.. forgot his name. Heck, then we have the upstanding members, like Janni, Henry, Kenny (could bring his 2 comp coupes), Deb and a few others.
I'm sure most just havent seen this thread, get the word out by contacting the VCA prez (Randy Cade) and you should get a nice boost in participation.