1989 Viper Concept car Documentary


May 15, 2002
Reaction score
Great work! It looks like you put a lot of effort into that video and it certainly was enjoyable to watch and listen!

Thanks -- I'll be passing it along.


Viper Owner
Sep 25, 2001
Reaction score
Hollywood, CA
If you want an honest opinion, some acting/hosting lessons would help out. It felt like you were holding your breath a bit and were a bit nervous. Loosen up, have fun with it, that will translate to the audience having more fin with it. There were moments that you would stumble on words e.g. when you said "concepts" at 0:52. Did you have a take where that line worked better? Also, there was a lot of fumbling with the mic. None of that should be in the audio. There were also a lot of awkward pauses in the narration. Cut out some air in that which will make the dialogue flow better.

As for the shots, the concept car shots were pretty repetitive. To make things more interesting, take a look at some of the British Top Gears. Even with a stationary car, they use a variety of lenses and angles to keep things interesting. A shallow depth of field and getting really close up to the car with a rack focus can be fun to play with.

The opening shot doesn't feel like it has anything to do with the car and is a kind of odd slightly upshot showing acoustic tiles and florescent lighting. Think a little more about composition and what we are seeing in the background, as well as lighting. Florescent office lighting is really not ideal and should be avoided. I'm not saying you need to get a lighting package or anything for this, but go outside during golden hour or find some tungstons and get a little lighting going on. Make sure you get some light into your eyes. This overhead lighting gives dark eye sockets which doesn't look too good. Let people see your eyes so you can look alive and connect with the audience. Maybe start with a wide and go in tight. Don't zoom. Make a hard cut to a medium or medium close up.

I'm not trying to dog you, just trying to give you a few pointers for the next one.


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Macomb MI
Good job Chris, the Vipers gathered at the the end of the video are from the Motor City Viper Owners Spring Brunch. I was watching the video and then all of a sudden I saw my car and others from our club. Very cool

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
Makara is correct on all points.

I would add that there has GOT to be mention of the Viper's road racing ********** from 97 to 2000 and Dodge's dedication to providing a factory built race Viper to the public.

There has been debate regarding Lamborghini's influence. Last word I read was that the intake was Lambo's contribution. Nothing wrong with that, it's a cool intake.

I'm not sure what your objective was but if it's to sell the vid either get a ********* or somebody with a deeper voice to do the commentary.

Not trying to be a dick. You asked for feedback and suggestions.