1996 viper gts or 06 coupe


Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Because my 2000 ACR (802rwhp)is an option that could be considered. It's like a 96 with over $40,000 worth of modifications. It earns car show trophies, I has double the factory hp. It's faster around the track because it has $10K worth of racing shocks. It retains it's value above both a 96 and an '06 because of it's low (232) production numbers.

I agree that if the poster has no desire for the bigger hp it may not belong in a "stock" thread. One post here suggests upgrading brakes etc and keeping the 96. It would be a better deal to sell the 96 add about $10-15K and buy my ACR (saving $25-30K).


and.... still going. :lmao:


Oct 19, 2002
Reaction score
You refer to it in multiple threads where a supercharged '00 ACR not the topic of interest. People know of the classified section, which your car is in, and if they are interested your contact info is in the ad. You own a specialty vehicle, it isn't going to sell quickly.


He bought strictly for resale purposes, he doesn't care how long it takes to sell, and he will continue the spam the boards until it does.


Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Nixa , MO
I do not think the looks of a Gen 3 or 4 comes near a Gen 1 or 2 car. And as far as the way it drives? I like the RAW feel of my 94 RT to any of them. I feel a big difference in my 94RT and my 02 GTS . Why drive a car that does not feel like a raw race car. screw comfort, and give me a ride! I would like to drive a new ACR but that is way out of the picture.


Viper Owner
Jun 6, 2007
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Roe car = Gen 2
Paxton car for Gen 3.

I like having the most powerful car in the lot, almost everytime.


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
Im still going to swing my vote for the gen3 body style...

The thing is that no matter wich you get their will be days you wish you had the other...

When I had a gen2 I wished all the time I would have got a gen3...now with the gen3 there has been a time or two I wish I had tried a GTS...

But honestly and this is straight from the heart. I have purchased 3 vipers and I love them all and im not just saying this because I have a gen3...

guys the gen3 is just a faster, better handling, more comfortable, better interior, better fit and finish and more modern looking vehicle...heck a 2003 srt10 is still the same exact desighn that just left the assembly plant here in 2010 to take it's final bow

Thats the honest from my heart truth...Lots of gen2 guys will swear the gts is better looking and that the srt10 looks like a vette ect. But many of them havent even looked at a srt10...other than pictures..

I had a buddy that had a red 97 gts and I had a red 99 rt10..we cruised the cars ect. Then I got a red srt10 and he always said that they looked like vettes ect. but i bought it anyway because I on the other hand I really liked the look..

Well I pull it up to his driveway and the first thing he says is kool you changed the hood..."what do you mean" well the stock hoods dont have those kool flares..They are just plain hoods like a vette.."no actually they all come with this hood stock"..Wow..Pretty kool...Man your interior is awesome "thanks"

We cruised the red gts and red srt10 and it was really 50/50 depending on who was asked....I mean what car do you think the import crowd lust over..most of them like the newer style..Hell all they do is play video games with the srt10's on the cover..What about women..They love a convertable....Then you have your american car lovers..here it's gonna be half and half...Some think the gen2's belong on McDonalds feet and some think it's the most beautiful desighn ever...With the srt10 the comment I always get is wow it looks way more low wide and agressive than in the pictures...

I think the thing that kills me the most is when a gen2 owner tries to say a srt10 is boreing looking or looks like a vette ect to offset how much better of a car the gen3 is...

Weather you drive a gen3 or gen2 it is instant rock star ...I always here this comment as I drive by with my top down through parking lots "holy crap man is that a viper" as they talk amongst them selves and form I just smile politely nod yes...

Got the same thing in my gen2 though


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Deleted why bother....:)
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Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
Well I change my mind then because I have only seen a Gen 3 in pictures so I may be wrong and if your buddy says it looks better that seals the deal for me cause I know that girls go for the convertable and when I cruise with my buddies they always say how old my car looks and it hurts my feelings cause I know they speak straight from the heart and I hope some day to save up enough money to get a nice modern car for Macdonalds cruises in case there are some ricers there and they dis my Gen 2 I will be able to say hey I am getting a Gen 3 soon and getting rid of this crappy Blue and White gen 2 so leave me alone and make it three burgers and a shake to go I'm out of here because as anyone knows all Gen 2 owners secretly want a Gen 3 but can't afford one so they only have pictures.



And here I was thinking you were just picking on me! :D

Rather incredible that this same discussion goes on and on and on ...

Mechanical systems can be discussed as fact. Aesthetic appeal simply can NOT. Some folks like the lines of the GEN1/2 and other prefer the lines of the GEN3/4. Why must there be some ultimate determination of which is best? Neither is better. Both are extraordinary.

IMO, color also influences opinion with regard to both body styles.

BTW - Does anyone know of a highly modded, show quality, low production GEN 2 ACR for sale?

my viper

Jul 27, 2001
Reaction score
Im still going to swing my vote for the gen3 body style...

The thing is that no matter wich you get their will be days you wish you had the other...

When I had a gen2 I wished all the time I would have got a gen3...now with the gen3 there has been a time or two I wish I had tried a GTS...

But honestly and this is straight from the heart. I have purchased 3 vipers and I love them all and im not just saying this because I have a gen3...

guys the gen3 is just a faster, better handling, more comfortable, better interior, better fit and finish and more modern looking vehicle...heck a 2003 srt10 is still the same exact desighn that just left the assembly plant here in 2010 to take it's final bow

Thats the honest from my heart truth...Lots of gen2 guys will swear the gts is better looking and that the srt10 looks like a vette ect. But many of them havent even looked at a srt10...other than pictures..

I had a buddy that had a red 97 gts and I had a red 99 rt10..we cruised the cars ect. Then I got a red srt10 and he always said that they looked like vettes ect. but i bought it anyway because I on the other hand I really liked the look..

Well I pull it up to his driveway and the first thing he says is kool you changed the hood..."what do you mean" well the stock hoods dont have those kool flares..They are just plain hoods like a vette.."no actually they all come with this hood stock"..Wow..Pretty kool...Man your interior is awesome "thanks"

We cruised the red gts and red srt10 and it was really 50/50 depending on who was asked....I mean what car do you think the import crowd lust over..most of them like the newer style..Hell all they do is play video games with the srt10's on the cover..What about women..They love a convertable....Then you have your american car lovers..here it's gonna be half and half...Some think the gen2's belong on McDonalds feet and some think it's the most beautiful desighn ever...With the srt10 the comment I always get is wow it looks way more low wide and agressive than in the pictures...

I think the thing that kills me the most is when a gen2 owner tries to say a srt10 is boreing looking or looks like a vette ect to offset how much better of a car the gen3 is...

Weather you drive a gen3 or gen2 it is instant rock star ...I always here this comment as I drive by with my top down through parking lots "holy crap man is that a viper" as they talk amongst them selves and form I just smile politely nod yes...

Got the same thing in my gen2 though

:D You are seriously delusional.

Figured ViperJon's quote applies here too.


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
ha ha ha ha............They are both awesome..You will always here us gen3 guys say that but soime of you gen2 guys are reluctant to give the gen3's the same respect..

I saw a very interesting pic that I will post as it gives a great example of what Im trying to get across

my viper

Jul 27, 2001
Reaction score
I don't see anyone dissing the Gen III's. Everyone is just stating their opinion whether it be the curves on the Gen II or the raw feel of it. There are even comments that overall the Gen III/IV are better cars.

If you have a viper and have had vipers, why aren't you a member here?


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
cause Im a cheap ba$**** and keep forgetting and as well living in hawaii I wont really get to reap any benifits...But mostly because im cheap...Thanks for pointing that out...preciate it


Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
I've owned Gen2s, and now own a Gen3 and a Gen4. Only you can decide which Gen car looks best to you. I personally don't care for the Gen1 with its plain hood but the Gen2 is beautiful and so are the Gen3s and 4s. I think the Gen3/4 coupes look better than the verts. I especially like the hood on the Gen4 and had one fitted to my current Gen3. So if you are buying the car on looks buy whichever one floats your boat.

If you are buying the car that drives best then you need to look at the Gen3s or 4s. The Gen3s are easier to mod because people know how to mod the computer to deal with other changes. The Gen4s not so much although the Mopar PCM does allow some additional mods like headers and stuff. A modded Gen3 will be faster than a Gen4 IMO. Put a Paxton on a Gen3 and it will have more HP and torque than a Gen4. The drive by wire throttle and clutch on the Gen4 take more getting used to as well. Power in the Gen4 comes on at higher RPMs than a Gen3 so it doesn't feel as fast. On the track the new ACRs are hard to beat. I can pull away from them some on the straights in my supercharged Gen3 but in the twisties their tires and aero give them a distinct advantage.

Now of course you can mod the heck out of a Gen 2 and get it close to the performance of a Gen 3/4 but it would take a lot. The Gen3/4s are simply better drivers right out of the box.


Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
Interesting..Can you post some pics from differant angles of your blue beatse


Viper Owner
Jul 10, 2010
Reaction score
los angeles
Wow still very new at this site but have been spending countless hours reading up and waiting for my Gen 2 to arrive.

It seems that Gen 3 and 2 owners bicker so much it's funny. Both cars are very different in appearance but still come from the same womb. The reason I got into Vipers was because my friend has a Red 06 coupe and took me on a Viper run to Palm Springs here in CA.

The cars were unbelievable but my heart skipped a beat when I saw the Gen 2. They ARE a work of art but that does NOT discount the Gen 3's looks either. My friend who owns a modded up STI, loves the Gen 3 and continually scratches his head on why I chose the Gen 2. (backhanded compliment?) j/k

The revised generation is certainly the better car stock and can easily be modified to produce more because it is more technologically advanced. However I would seriously refrain from selling a 1996 GEN 2 because of what it is. You may very well end up regretting this decision because it represents the beginning of the GTS era which sparked the worldwide interest for the Viper. The car was just as revolutionary as the 92 RT/10.

The Gen 3 is a more sophisticated, powerful and beautiful (matter of opinion) in other people's eyes but a Gen 2 in my opinion just has a timeless look like the Audi TT, Lambo Countach, F355, Testarossa, Ducati 916/996/998 which envokes Passion. Red is a beautiful color on sports cars because it just exudes passion.

If it is one or the other, test drive the newer generations (3 & 4) and ask yourself which one you will be happier with. In addition, you can always have the Gen 2 sitting and you can drive it far less but still be able to enjoy it and it can bring you lots of cash in the future.
I believe the reason why people defend and argue the Gen 2's looks over the 3 is because there isnt much more to argue aside from it's looks but for the people who like/love the Gen 2 more based on appearance, it's like sacrilege to say they are comparable because it truly extracts their passion when looking at the car. Kind of like weak in the knees when I see the Bugatti Veyron always parked on Rodeo drive.
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Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
NW Jersey
The Gen2 has a vintage sort of look and yet it still has modern supercar performane even stock. It will outrun most any other car on the road and gives the average guy way more performance then he will ever use or need. When you own a Viper you will get a lot of comments. With my 98 GTS people often say " Do they still make the Viper...This is the one to have" or "This is my favorite car or one of my favorite cars of all time".

I had a girl at a cruise night start hugging my front fender and rest her head on the hood like she wanted to do the car right in the parking lot. Thank god the car had cooled off and she didn't burn her thigh on the sills with those little shorts she was wearing:lmao: I've had a number of guys that moved from a GTS to a Gen3 or Gen4 tell me that they wish they would have kept their GTS.

I don't plan on tracking my car but if I did I would have considered a Gen3 coupe. The newer cars are marginally more refined and perform better but as a weekend cruiser my GTS is comfortable enough and I actually prefer the car being a little rougher around the edges... I think that's what makes it so much fun to drive.:2tu: I'd like to have both but if it's only one then it's the GTS.

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