13k is nothing. While I do not drive mine every day I definately drive mine every chance I get. 18k on my 05 and I am the original owner. No problems and it runs great. All stock save for the upshift eliminator.
All these guys saying 15-20K isn't high miles for a Viper are the same ones who when buying wouldn't even look at anything with those miles. It is a buyers market on any Viper with over 10K miles. Sure they're just as reliable as just about any car to 100K miles, but the Viper is still somewhat of an exotic and miles kill any and all exotics resale value. Many people buy them just to go to car shows or drink a beer while staring at it in the garage. Don't let the folks with high mileage cars tell you it doesn't matter, it definately does.
Wow, you are quite the expert... NOT...
While I have bought all 3 vipers brand new, I do have a little experience selling "a high milage viper" And I'll tell you what, the guy was extremely please with the condition of the car, and it was solid in and out. Actually better then stock, curtisy of Dodge/Arrow. Sorry, real world experience for me has shown that Vipers with milage are still quite valuable and some can out perform "low milage" ones with no cost to the owner. I have personally looked at many higher milage vipers, because most of the time, it means mods... free modsanyways enjoying your viper buying experience, and I'll enjoy my buying and selling.
I don't understand why ANYONE would buy a used Z06 when Viper CONVERTIBLES are such deals. (Some people like myself, will pay a hefty premium to be the actual first owner of a car.)
With the latest Z06s are stickered higher than what new SRT-10 convertibles are selling for, I can't really imagine why anyone would buy a new one either.
I know a Z06 is a little quicker, but getting a CLEARLY better looking, more exotic, CONVERTIBLE Viper is a much better value if you are driving for enjoyment.......