2010 Viper Details - LIVE from Laguna Seca!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
We have long offered to help in any way that we can, including financially, for things like this. The challenge is that they are often super-secret, as Nürburgring obviously was and Laguna Seca was supposed to have been: When Dodge forgot to tell Laguna Seca NOT to put it on their published event calendar it got quickly out of control. While the VCA had the honor of knowing of the record attempt some time ago (there should be some VCA logos around there somewhere), we are always sworn to complete secrecy.........We have an open offer to help with any event involving the Viper and SRT, whether it be a record attempt at a major track or the soon-to-be-announced VOI 11. We are in this for the long haul! ...

Perfect! If some method was used to raise "SRT-BUCKS" ahead of time SRT would know what "VCA MAD MONEY" we collectively had avail. Example: If an auction, or a new "member support" level was created, and it raised $10k+/year, SRT could keep their secrets even better, knowing they have access to $10k in discretionary funds.

And IF Team SRT decided to let any local club know in advance, my bet is that local supporters might even be more able to generate some 'sponsorship' and/or services. I can only speak for Portland-PIR...... but I suspect FLA Owners would "REPRESENT".


Laguna 'out of control?' You might ask Maurice, but I dont think so. NoCal VCA members heard about it at the weekend meeting event, and I am pretty sure that "about 6-7" was the last-minute owner headcount. The photo blogs and videos clearly show a total of about 10-15 people, including the press, whooping it up at the finsh line. I recognize 5-6 Team SRT folks, total, in those pix and vids. I think Chrysler PR kept it very much under control.

As usual, Team SRT is crazy about the "Viper Nation," and the Laguna video links you kindly posted show Ralph Gilles (again) mentioning our rabid passions. I did not yet see any VCA logos in the blogs/stills/videos.... But when Maurice's stories and Chrysler PR's come out, I'm sure that VCA will be VERY proud, and appropriately so.

So: Lets do it again? Twice?. Viper Pride feels great, dont we all agree?
Last edited:


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Perfect! If some method was used to raise "SRT-BUCKS" ahead of time SRT would know what "VCA MAD MONEY" we collectively had avail. Example: If an auction, or a new "member support" level was created, and it raised $10k+/year, SRT could keep their secrets even better, knowing they have access to $10k in discretionary funds.
You won't get any argument from me here at all. SRT knows we will provide funds (and usually how much) so no worries there. Nor is anybody arguing with adding another member support level. HOWEVER, the last time we added such a level we went through a major rift in the club - one that caused a lot of headaches for everybody. It also requires proper notices, board of director meeting/voting, etc. - not simply a "heck yeah!" on the public forums. We believe that there are even better ways to raise funds for the club that can, in turn, be used to help promote more record runs like this one.

And IF Team SRT decided to let any local club know in advance, my bet is that local supporters might even be more able to generate some 'sponsorship' and/or services. I can only speak for Portland-PIR...... but I suspect FLA Owners would "REPRESENT".
The problem is that it is great to get people excited about it beforehand, but a real problem if it doesn't go as planned. Perhaps I was a bit soft when I talked about the weather and should be a bit more blunt: Record attempts have a much higher risk than simply "going with the flow", even in an amazing car like the Viper ACR. Imagine a well-publicized record attempt with plenty of Viper folks in attendance. And the record attempt ends in a crash - or worse. Instant PR disaster, which of course isn't nearly as bad as the crash itself. It was made very clear with Nürburgring (and Laguna Seca for that matter) that it was to be kept totally quiet based on the possibility the record would not be broken - or worse.
Laguna 'out of control?' You might ask Maurice, but I dont think so. NoCal VCA members heard about it at the weekend meeting event, and I am pretty sure that "about 6-7" was the last-minute owner headcount. The photo blogs and videos clearly show a total of about 10-15 people, including the press, whooping it up at the finsh line. I recognize 5-6 Team SRT folks, total, in those pix and vids. I think Chrysler PR kept it very much under control.
Actually, that quote is directly from a couple people from Detroit that are much closer to this than you or I. The fact is that it was not intended to be a public or publicized event beforehand. No regrets after the fact (mission accomplished!), but this was originally supposed to be kept very quiet. And that isn't coming from me I can assure you.

As usual, Team SRT is crazy about the "Viper Nation," and the Laguna video links you kindly posted show Ralph Gilles (again) mentioning our rabid passions. I did not yet see any VCA logos in the blogs/stills/videos.... But when Maurice's stories and Chrysler PR's come out, I'm sure that VCA will be VERY proud, and appropriately so.
We are always proud of the work these fine folks do! We also provided VCA graphics for SRT for a couple different events, thus my comments. Graphics do not equal passion, it was simply that the VCA probably had another presence there as well.

So: Lets do it again? Twice?. Viper Pride feels great, dont we all agree?
Absolutely! :2tu:

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