Just got an email from Houston VCA with all of their own alternate events planned. Seems pretty $hitty to me to not support the hosting VCA club regardless of what they are planning. Scheduling a "live music" alternative to the movie? I guess i just dont understand what the big deal is. Seems to me like Tiff is doing his best.
Support the guy and make changes for next year.
Come on now. At best this mischaracterizes the intent of the message. Houston VCA was proposing 1/2 a day of activities on Saturday that their members might find more appealing, not a total alternative for the weekend.
So those members that find 1/2 of what is planned unappealing should just not go or shut up and tag along? The Houston club is trying to up the show rate for the entire event among it's members by possibly planning 2 alternate activities that might convince many of those with vocal feedback about Saturday's events to change their minds. I'm probably not going either way but in my opinion it's far from $hitty to decide to spice things up for some of the club to try to get them to show up for the weekend. An increased count at 2/3 of the event by a good number of cars that disappear for 1/2 a day is better than them not going at all.
My solution was more passive and less likely to bend noses (kick back at the bar, go for a cruise on our own or just not go because the schedule isn't appealing enough) but I can see why H-VCA is trying to respond to the feedback it received from many of its members that have attended in the past and decided to sit this one out. This is a no win situation. If the six or seven folks that decided to go but come up with some other activities didn't share their intent before hand some Houston members would complain for not being included (I am not discussing the 'live music event' but the driving events proposed, 2 for the record since among Houston folks the views as to what to do on Saturday vary). Get 10 people in a room together and someone will have a problem with the color of the walls.
I'm already tired enough of the drama that I'll probably just hit MSR-H that weekend.