There was another thread on the topic of 6 vs. 5 points. I know JonB at Partsrack and Cory at Snakeoyl recommend 6s. JonB was pretty adament about it. None the less I purchased a new set of 5s and after seeing these pics I'm glad I did. I had to special order them. The pics are disgusting and almost caused me to lose my breakfast. Sure hope they could put that guy's nuts back in the can.
Originally Posted by
JonB - PartsRack
There is no such thing as 'overly safety conscious' in a racing situatiion.
Yes there is and this report is a good example of it. The purpose of the sub belt(s) is to hold the lap belt in place. When properly attached, both achieve the same objective. I've yet to see the advantage of adding a sixth belt to do the same exact thing the fifth belt does. Sell me, I'm all ears. As for SCCA requirements, that's another can o' worms.
respectfully to CB and GB.....
This is NOT the opinion of an adamant JB. This is race-industry fact. Im not trying to sell, but increase awareness. The 5 or 6pt "Sub Belt" is short for "Anti-Submarine"......its purpose is to prevent your body from submarineing
under your 4pt lap belts and steering wheel.
With an OE seat, or even a race seat, in a rollover your legs will flail uncontrollably.
-- You can knee yourself in the chin. Open face helmet? Break chin and patella. Closed face? Break patella on helmet chin.
--The steering wheel can hurt / break your knees and legs.
--In a 5pt and OE seat, your body and pelvis
WILL SLIDE FORWARD at speed til it hits the front-of-seat sub belt with a GRUNT and a SQUISH. [See STEVE911 post as to why] ****** and beanie mash. Padded 5pt helps, but the sudden stop is still inevitaable.
--If the seat tracks break, as they did on Tommy Archer in a real-word Gen 2 ACR test, or the seat-back breaks, the damage can become life threatening as it was for Tommy. Tommy's ribs broke at the BACK of his spine, not the front. Lung was punctured. Tommy's arms flailed, and he said he was a split-second away from rolling the car over his out-the-window, flailed arm. Now, he uses arm restraints or window nets.
Since then, SRT has recommended 6pts or 7pts in all SRTs-VCCs. So does SCCA and most all REAL race-sanctioning bodies. Forget 'club' okee-dokee winks. SRTs are designed and pinned for 6pts...not 5s. A 5 could even be a jury-rig in some way for an SRT.
However, if you upgrade to a 6pt, it will hold you down and back in the seat. Legs wont flail. Even if the seat tracks break, it holds you AND the seat, down and back. By design.
If you are content to be LESS safe, choose a 5pt....[hell, why not a 4?] It should NOT be price......we offer a 6pt [which is quite easier to install,] and costs only $20 more!
Some day, we can chat about AIR BAGS in harness-equipped cars on track !!!!
ps.....Im not an 'expert' but as a 1st-responder I have pulled 3 drivers from flaming race cars since 1993. None were Vipers. "Driver OUT--Driver OUT--
DRIVER OUT!" still plays in my head. I have attended
many serious track wrecks, and I have attended 5 serious Viper wrecks, one as a 1st-responder rescue. I have been acquainted with 50+ more, and involved with several litigation cases.
I am NOT trying to sell ANYONE on a $20 upgrade.