Looking for a winter project, thinking of throwing a 708 in my 2001 GTS. Do not want to spend the money to do heads right now, and I know I am probably not going to pick up much, if any, HP by making the change, but I cannot stand the smooth idle that I have now. Question is, can I use the creampuff lifters with the 708? I know the lifters used were different than in the forged engines, not sure if they are compatible or not. Also, will the the extra overlap on the cam cause a PCM issue?
I know its a lot of work for nothing more than a nice lumpy idle, but the winters are long here in Chitown. If the lifters will work, it really doesn't look like that bad a job using the old magnet trick and leaving the heads on.
Feedback is appreciated, TIA.
I know its a lot of work for nothing more than a nice lumpy idle, but the winters are long here in Chitown. If the lifters will work, it really doesn't look like that bad a job using the old magnet trick and leaving the heads on.
Feedback is appreciated, TIA.