Re: 9sec ROE S/C ?
PS- Last one to screw with that guy is a rotten egg!
LOL, he also posted these in an earlier thread:
"I've raced a GSXR750 before and were neck 'n neck then hit a 100 shot and pulled a good car length in front of him before we both closed down."
---So, now he has nitrous too?
(Refering to Treynor's car) "I have also seen that Viper in person and it is a piece of work. I have a video here somewhere of him taking it out on the streets with a passenger video taping it and he gives a voiceover of the car. It's really awsome. The coolest thing about it is he shares the same first name as me!"
---So, he knows Ben as well? *I* have actually seen Ben's car. This clown, is a tool.
(refering to SVS Stryker TT) "Very, very nice. Been thinking of upgrading my current setup to a twin-turbo system."
---The tool has more money than God as well it seems.
(refering to Stryker TT) "About 1100 at the crank and 875 at the wheels."
---Have a little more DT loss than normal...?
"I run and own a car customization garage/shop and I'm an advid stock trader. I make roughly $223k a year but I'm married so cut that sum in half."
---now we know what the tool does for a living too.
I'd like to get a motorcycle, but my girlfriend tells me, "If you buy a motorcycle, that'll be the only thing you'll be riding for a long time." How obnoxious and lame is that...
---OOPS! tool is not married anymore...
"No, I don't use that as a daily driver. My daily driver is the H2 I purchased about three months ago; the Viper only goes out on very nice days and for cruising and sometimes to the track."
---He has an H2 as well...This just keeps getting better and better!
"I payed about $43k for my Viper, and about $30k in upgrades. I'm considering upgrading to a Heffner supercharger next. That'll upgrade my horsepower from the already 733 to a steady 850 - 900."
---Uh...a little off, again. Damn, so now he wants a Heffner S/C?
"The rims are custom Sportux Bumpin chrome 20 inchers and I pay about $400 a month in insurance."
---Watch out! RIM CHANGE!
(refering to Roe S/C) "I bought my set from Redline Motorsports for $8k and it was installed at a respectable exotic car garage in Toledo. The installation was roughly $6k.
As far as dyno's go - yes, I've had it dyno'd and I'll have to get some of them scanned (need a scanner first) and it puts out roughly 733 horsepower.
I was going to get the [******] upgrade but I spoke to a few people who have had many problems with their services there so I decided on this upgrade for now. I've yet to be beat with it"
---Wow, he got screwed on that install!!!
Uhh... is that a Gen-2 or what?
OK...I am done now. I had my fun and definatly proved my point!!!