I have also fell to resorting to my lower instincts. I have also felt the rage that comes when one is wrongfully offended. I am no saint, and dont wear my Christianity on my shirtsleeve. I am a human man just like you, and feel the very same things.
BUT- There is a way to minimize, NOT ELIMINATE, just minimize your chances at altercations. Drive with the thoughts and feelings of others in mind. When you own a fast, flashy, outrageous car like the Viper, others feel slighted by your success. They feel like you are the "boss man", and they the hapless groundlings. They feel you are arrogant, (and we are, aren't we?), and when you pass them in your regular car they feel nothing, but when you pass them in your Viper, well, now thats a different story! Now its personal. So you see, be aware of the psychology of the a**holes, oops, I mean general public, and you can minimize, NOT ELIMINATE, their negative reactions by driving courteously.
Ten to one that minivan had gotten passed somewhere back on the road. Whether passed with vengence and spite, is a matter of the other guys' perception. To fail to understand this is to continue in willful ignorance. Be cool, fool!