A little help please!! (Viperdays Parump)

SoCal Rebell

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Mission Hills, Ca USA
Repeated e-mails to the Viperdays staff have gone unanswered, so maybe someone on this board can help. I would like to attend Viperdays at Spring Mt., Parump but I can only go for one day (Sat. 10/13). Is there a one day rate?


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Usually the one day rate is $250 and that includes lunch. Best day is Saturday as that is the first day for all and its easier to blend in. The Thomas's are making their way back from Virginia - and they had left early prior to the event.

You should bring some stuff - tire pressure guage, torque wrench, oil, miscellaneous fluids, towels, chair, something to be able to get out of the sun, sunscreen... ViperDays supplies TONS of water to keep you hydrated throughout the day - start drinking BEFORE you are thirsty and keep drinking throughout the day - dehydration does BAD things to drivers.

Have FUN!!!

Mark Young

Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Santa Clara, CA, USA
I'll be going. My tentative plan is to rent a trailer for the weekend and take my Durango too for this event. I have a couple friends who may tag along as pit crew for the weekend.

For the first timer, don't worry, you'll soon discover that this car was made for the track. There are a couple things I'd suggest ahead of time though before you head out for a weekend of racing.

1. Brakes are the weekest part of the car
- Swap your fluid for Motul 600 or equivalent
(bring extra, though the support at ViperDays is great
and Archer will have everything you may need)
- Install a set of porsche-style air deflectors
- Swap the pads out for high-temp race pads. If you want
to use the stock pads - bring lots of em! I've been
using Porterfeld R4 pads and love them. Again, bring an
extra set to be safe.

2. Oil
- Obviously change out your oil. The Mobil 1 15/50 is a
better weight for the track than the normal 10/30.

3. Other stuff
- Some people tape up their wheel arches to avoid chips
- Some people run with a bra to save the nose from chips
- Safety equipment: ViperDays isn't real strict but you
obviously need a good helmet. I knew I'd be doing this
alot (assuming I survived the initial learning curve!)
and I picked up a good race suit, shoes, and gloves.
After the recent Nascar incidents, a neck ring looks like
a good idea too. Oh yeah, put a FIRE EXTINGUISHER in your
- RT/10s likely need a hard-top
- 5pts are niiiice

4. Tools
- Everything is available for you at ViperDays if you don't
have something
- Bring a tire gauge

I'll have a canopy off the Durango with an ice chest, chairs, etc. Pahrump will be my 3rd ViperDays so I'm almost just as new as you are. My first two I just drove the car there and back with the above stuff and had fantastic weekends all the way around. It was a bit intimidating when you see people pulling up with 30 foot enclosed race trailers but its no big deal. I just pulled up in my car, got out, sat my stuff on the lawn and went and drove. You're in for a treat. Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
You guys are going to love Pahrump. It is a very viper friendly track, where Horsepower and Torque are appreciated. Track has a HUGE white tent where a nice lunch is usually prepared, and everyone can hang out. Usually a bunch of Corvettes, and Camaro's around that are used for a Chevy supported driving schools.

If you get the chance drive with Rupert. He will show you what to do with your EYES to cut seconds off your lap times. Look where you want to go, match your revs on downshifts, and keep your hands on the wheel, not on the gear shift.


Roger Morgan

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
Why not go early and stay late. Most will probably arrive on Friday for some pre practice and sorting out.
Worth the admission price just to see the other cars and talk to everyone.
Safety is the most important item to remember, both yours and others. You will probably be driving faster that you ever have for a sustained period so seat time is very important. As already suggested make sure you brake fluid is changed prior to arriving ( this is checked first ).
See you there
Roger Morgan
PS In case you feel the need for speed before this event see www.silverstateclassic.com for information on two events in September. There will be several members from the So Cal club going and I think there is still time to join the Gold Rush event. Its just up the road in Ely Nevada. Its a E ticket.

Mark Young

Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Santa Clara, CA, USA
I know Courtney and crew were taking a little sojourn to Virginia Beach after VIR, so it may be a few days before you get any email from them. Also, there are still 3 ViperDays events before Pahrump so sit tight, it may be a little early for details.

That said, there has been a 1-day rate for most of the ViperDays events this year so you'll probably be in luck.


Viper Owner
Jul 2, 2001
Reaction score
San Jose, CA USA

Ted May and I will be caravanning down on Friday and back on Monday if you would like to join us.

As for track prep, see the Viperdays website for safety requirements and you might want to visit the tech session at Ted's shop (Valaya Racing) this Saturday for tips on what to do and look out for in preparing your car.


Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
N. Barrington, IL
Hi Guys-

Thanks for your patience while we Viper Days was at a huge event in Virginia. I will have the details for the Pahrump event on the web site so people can start reserving hotel rooms. www.viperdays.com Please e mail me a note if you are planning to come to the Vegas event. I need to start getting an idea of how many Vipers or Vettes will be there. We do offer a 1-day package and it is $250. Please feel free to call or e mail me if you have any questions or comments!! 847-594-8477 and ask for Courtney or [email protected]

PS. Thanks to all of the people that wrote posts about us!

See you at the track!

Viper Days, Inc.