A lot of Vipers, a Dragon's Tail and *******


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
I borrowed lotion from Missy on the NIGHT of day 3. I think it was too late by then:lmao: But like Jon said, stock fabric RT/10s tops look like crap. I may have 3rd degree burns, but hey I never had to ride around with that stupid top on :D

Yeah, what was up with that scorched piece of flesh hanging from your face, some people might call it a nose?! :lmao:

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Repost from the RT 10/GTS section, but I wanted everybody to know how cool some of the people that helped me in my time of need are!

I wanted to take a moment to thank the many that help me get back on the road during the AL/TN Tail of the Dragon drive in Pigeon Forge, TN. We had 33 cars and there is always one that has to have issues. This time it was me :(.

After driving 6.5 hours to get to the hotel on Thursday(car drove without any issues), me and my son went out for diner and I notice some notchy movement from the steering wheel. To anyone who has had the problem, it is an impending P/S pump pulley failure :(. Driving straight line and small easy turns are usually ok. So after I realized I might have an issue, I gave a good friend a call(JD) to see if he had one and if he could Fedex it to me. He had recently upgraded to a billet pulley and was going to throw out the cheap plastic one, BUT it's amazing how valuable it is to some one in dire need :D. Since the GA Prez(******'s Chad) was going to see him just before leaving for the, Joseph said he would pass it on and that I would have it the next day :2tu:.

Well, I decided to chance it and go on the Tail of the Dragon anyway, just could miss out. About 5-6 miles into it I made the mistake of trying to stay with Matt at Speedwerks in his S/C Viper:omg:. I hear a pop and notice my P/S has gone bu-bye and the temp gauge is on the rise:crazy2::crazy2: . On goes the hazards and pull over as I watch everybody go by :(.

My buddy John Slaughter took pity on me and stop to give a hand. After popping the hood, it looked lie the belt just popped off. We got it back on and fired it up and...............
the pulley comes completely apart. I tell John to go have fun, I've got AAA and give them a call. 2 hours later, they finally arrive and get me to the hotel with a interim stop at the parts store for some tools. I knew I had a PS pulley coming an I will have it off before they get back, right?

Wrong, trying to get that metal insert off was one of the biggest pain in the a$$. I actually broke off the lip on the pulley insert because it was on so tight. This is where Matt at Speedwerks comes to the rescue :2tu:. He gives his friend Jason (Randy's Customs) a call to help me get back on the road. He shows up just before I get the pump off the car and takes his Saturday morning to cut/press the insert off the shaft of the P/S pump. We first tried to use an impact to press it out, but no dice :dunno:. He got an air cut off wheel and took off the lip of the insert, then put the pump in a 20 ton press to break it loose! Unbelievable! I don't know why it was so difficult, but was happy to see it come off! I have change out a few pulleys with a puller on the car and never had THAT much trouble. But two minutes later, Jason had the replacement pulley from Joseph on the pump, and I was ready to go!

We got back to the car and 20 minutes later, I was good to go :2tu::2tu::2tu:. I can't say enough about the help I received from the many people(JD, John, Chad, Matt and especially Jason) that took their time to help me get back on the road. If not for them, I would still be in Pigeon Forge sitting on my butt. And Jason from Randy's Custom's would not take anything for his efforts! The help I received was priceless and all he would take was a thanks and a handshake. Although I wanted to give the guy a :hug2:, I figured it would look a little :rainbow:. So thanks to JD, john, Chad, Matt at Speedwerks and Jason from Randy's Customs!!!!!!! You guys are why I love the Viper nation so much :headbang::headbang::headbang:
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Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
Hey Mike, I was glad to help. It was great timing in Atlanta. Me and my friend left the mall, decided to cruise through Buckhead and since I knew we were by JD's house, we gave him a call to see if he minded if we stopped by to BS some. He was like "This is perfect timing, I need you to take something to TN with you tomorrow". He didn't say what, so I started wondering if it was something I was going to hide under the spare tire and hope we didn't run into any random car searches :rolaugh: I was relieved when it was just a p/s pulley :D Have you called Big Brake Dave yet for the billet aluminum kit? 858-382-4713 :D


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Kingston Springs, TN
Hey, I saw one of your pics at Clingman's Dome was from atop the rocks, but I guess we didn't meet by name, who were you?! I was from NC in the Silver SRT-10 (parked perpendicular to the green 08), had my little brother there with me.

Yea, I talked to you. I was in the 94 RT/10 with the air brushed viper/flag on the glove box. I talked to you and your brother a few times. I guess I did not introduce myself. I think I was having to much fun and forgot!! haha Anyways my name is Jon Mills and I was the young single guy with the burnt face!

I remember the car! Burnt face, yeah, that narrows it down? Not the guy in the black breathable shirt at Clingman's Dome? Maybe the guy who borrowed suntan lotion from us?

I guess it's a good event when there's so many people there you can't remember who you have or haven't talked to:cool:. Oh yeah, so that's what those little badge thingy's we get with our membership are for:D


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
I guess it's a good event when there's so many people there you can't remember who you have or haven't talked to:cool:. Oh yeah, so that's what those little badge thingy's we get with our membership are for:D

Who wears those things?! :crazy2:


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
My buddy John Slaughter took pity on me and stop to give a hand. After popping the hood, it looked lie the belt just popped off. We got it back on and fired it up and...............
the pulley comes completely apart. I tell John to go have fun, I've got AAA and give them a call.

Glad I could be of no help! :rolaugh: See you at VOI! Be sure to bring a car that works! :drive: :lmao:

Actually you weren't the only one to have car trouble, some other members did, e.g., when I left you, I caught up with about half the pack 20 minutes later, waiting with a few members having trouble :omg: Never seen so many busted Vipers before?!


Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
East Tn
Mike, it was nice meeting you and your son and thank you for the car cover. It's on it right now! It's a nice day out but my face is on fire so my cars in the garage with the cover on it. Could not handle another day in the sun. Let me know if everything works out and you move up this way. I'll take you out to dinner and show you around!

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Mike, it was nice meeting you and your son and thank you for the car cover. It's on it right now! It's a nice day out but my face is on fire so my cars in the garage with the cover on it. Could not handle another day in the sun. Let me know if everything works out and you move up this way. I'll take you out to dinner and show you around!

Hey Jon, it was great to meet you too and finally put a screen name to a face. And yeah, you looked a little burnt by the end of the day Sunday. :D Hopefully it will work out for the family and we can be up there before X-Mas, but we'll have to wait and see. How is the winter Viper driving in east TN?:confused:


Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
The Mountains
:2tu: to meeting all of you who showed up from GA/TN/AL Viper Club. we had a blast, met a lot of cool people and can not wait to do it again..... I'm sure we will make it to Tonys BBQ in July. If you are a member here and have never gone to a local event, I strongly suggest it. :headbang: thanks to Chad for inviting us. Chip and Lisa for being really cool. Tony, Jon, Bruce and anyone else I forgot, for letting our children and myself catch a ride in your cars.:2tu::2tu: we all had a blast!
Thanks again, you guys rock!!:)



Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
:2tu: to meeting all of you who showed up from GA/TN/AL Viper Club. we had a blast, met a lot of cool people and can not wait to do it again..... I'm sure we will make it to Tonys BBQ in July. If you are a member here and have never gone to a local event, I strongly suggest it. :headbang: thanks to Chad for inviting us. Chip and Lisa for being really cool. Tony, Jon, Bruce and anyone else I forgot, for letting our children and myself catch a ride in your cars.:2tu::2tu: we all had a blast!
Thanks again, you guys rock!!:)


Thanks for coming Benjamin! It was good to meet you, Missy and ya'lls kids! The drinks you brought in the Jeep were a lifesaver....several times. I thought "hot" in TN meant "it didn't snow today". I'd only been in the winter time, never the summer. Also thanks for the McViper SRT that Missy gave me :) I think ya'lls SSG was 1 of the most popular cars there. I know I enjoyed it everytime Missy let me hit the panic button when people got near it :lmao: C-ya at Tony's!
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Viper Owner
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Once again, thank you so much for letting me and my family tag along! I can honestly say that we met the greatest people this weekend. Everyone was very kind to us and our kids. You made their weekend great. They can't wait for Tony's BBQ now.

And to prove how much fun they had, I caught my daughter on the VCA forum site today. She's been snake-bit! Now she wants one of her own!:D

This is the best car club in the world!!!!:headbang:

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Once again, thank you so much for letting me and my family tag along! I can honestly say that we met the greatest people this weekend. Everyone was very kind to us and our kids. You made their weekend great. They can't wait for Tony's BBQ now.

And to prove how much fun they had, I caught my daughter on the VCA forum site today. She's been snake-bit! Now she wants one of her own!:D

This is the best car club in the world!!!!:headbang:

I think the best picture would have been all the ******'s girls sitting a top the SSG................................................... too bad somebody was such a killjoy.:(

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Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Well, we definitely had a blast this weekend! Thanks to everyone for being so cool; we met a lot of great people! I think Eric's happy to see me enjoying myself so much around the cars...who knows, maybe I'll end up just as "car-crazy" as him. :rolaugh: If you're in VA, give us a shout.:2tu: Amy
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Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Repost from the RT 10/GTS section, but I wanted everybody to know how cool some of the people that helped me in my time of need are!

Wrong, trying to get that metal insert off was one of the biggest pain in the a$$. I actually broke off the lip on the pulley insert because it was on so tight. This is where Matt at Speedwerkz comes to the rescue :2tu:. He gives his employee Jason (Randy's Customs) a call to help me get back on the road. He shows up just before I get the pump off the car and takes his Saturday morning to cut/press the insert off the shaft of the P/S pump. We first tried to use an impact to press it out, but no dice :dunno:. He got an air cut off wheel and took off the lip of the insert, then put the pump in a 20 ton press to break it loose! Unbelievable! I don't know why it was so difficult, but was happy to see it come off! I have change out a few pulleys with a puller on the car and never had THAT much trouble. But two minutes later, Jason had the replacement pulley from Joseph on the pump, and I was ready to go!

We got back to the car and 20 minutes later, I was good to go :2tu::2tu::2tu:. I can't say enough about the help I received from the many people(JD, John, Chad, Matt and especially Jason) that took their time to help me get back on the road. If not for them, I would still be in Pigeon Forge sitting on my butt. And Jason from Randy's Custom's would not take anything for his efforts! The help I received was priceless and all he would take was a thanks and a handshake. Although I wanted to give the guy a :hug2:, I figured it would look a little :rainbow:. So thanks to JD, john, Chad, Matt at Speedwerkz and Jason from Matt's other business Randy's Customs!!!!!!! You guys are why I love the Viper nation so much :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Thanks so much Mike for the props:) I'm glad it all worked out :cool: Jason was thrilled to help btw. I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone that was a BLAST!! You need to head up again and we'll hit the dragon with full force:2tu:


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
Well, we definitely had a blast this weekend! Thanks to everyone for being so cool; we met a lot of great people! I think Eric's happy to see me enjoying myself so much around the cars...who knows, maybe I'll end up just as "car-crazy" as him. :rolaugh: If you're in VA, give us a shout.:2tu: Amy

Good meeting you guys as well!


Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
I can't say enough good things about Chip and all that made this event what it was:2tu:

Truly a wonderful group of enthusiasts to hang out with and call friends!! I look forward to us all getting together again real soon:usa:
