Here are some pics of CC21 (Dan's) car, nice color! Solid ACR's are few and far between.... LOL!
While reading over this "old" thread I have some comments. I know there are still some new Vipers out there too, so I am curious if any of those could relate to this thread.
My 2008 solid Bright Blue Aero coupe, same color as the VBB ACR looked flawless as far as I could tell. It was a **** beast for sure!
I picked up a 500 mile 09 ACR last week. This car which was sold new 11/29/12 from Baxter with about 14 miles on it right before winter and put in storage shortly after has had no paint work since purchase. However it does not have the as nice of a clear finish as my 08 did. I see some fisheyes in the clear, the taping marks around the black side exhaust outs could have been better and there are few runs in the clear. Bottom corner of the one door, underneath the hatch and bottom of each fender where it cuts back in at 90 degrees. I spent 8 years every day wrenching and taking cars apart in a shop. I got pretty good at spotting cars what had paint work or body worth the second they pulled in the shop. I am pretty good at telling when a panel has been removed or a bolt has been tighten back down. My car shows none of that, but the clear... leaves something to be desired, for me anyways.
Many people would probably never notice most of these, but I am kind of a perfectionist when I clean the car. I can spend hours detailing, washing and drying everywhere (if I have the time) And once I spotted one flaw, I started looking for more. Over the period of 4-5 days I kept going back to the car, looking with intent and under the garage lights. I even went around the whole car multiple times on my back/creeper with an LED light looking under everything and at everything. Again something many people wouldn't notice but once I saw one flaw, and two and three, I just kept looking for more and more. Now that I know where they are, it would be very easy to show others.
At first I was a bit worried, I was like *** did I just buy, what did I give up my beautiful VBB car for? But I kept telling myself I knew that these were hand built. I knew paintwork was never the strong suit. I also knew that the stripes were put on after the car was painted which did it no favors in the nit pick side of things, (this is striped, my 08 was not) After inspecting nuts and bolts and corners, up and downs I chalked it up to just ****ty prep or execution. I even noticed wax or polish in several of the crevices like others have mentioned. Seriously, *** is that on a 100K+ car? LOL
Sure the car is a 2009, however it was sold new in Nov 2012. The factory warranty started in 2012. I have bought the max-care on it and still paid a big chunk of change for the car I wanted for 2.5 years and watched sit at Baxter.
Finding this thread has me feeling conflicted.
1. I am relieved to see I am not the only one who feels the same way or has the same "character" of the car. And it's not just one other person, it sounds like several.
2. Still a bit bummed to know the clear on my VBB 08 was better, and the SSG shows the flaws much easier! Its so much brighter.
With those that had issues, what did you end up doing, now that it's years later? Sure I can have mine corrected, I am having my paint buddy check it out this weekend hopefully and see what he says about the wet sand and polish. When you personally know where the "character marks" are, many tend to fixate on those. I am one of them. I still love the car, I finally got THE car I have wanted for the past 2.5 years.