I would not say that the AEM EMS is better that the VEC 2, just very different. From my understanding the VEC 2 is somewhere between a piggy back system and a stand alone system. The VEC 2 controls fuel by intercepting the stock injector driver signals from the factory pcm and then altering them using a suitable map within the VEC 2 software. The VEC 2 drives the injectors with its own set of drivers . A system like this has some advantages, it should be more simple to tune than a stand alone system like the AEM , and if tuned properly, should allow for all of the obd2 emissions systems to work, which the AEM *** cannot do.
The AEM *** is a stand alone engine management system. This means that it entirely replaces the stock ecu. It is fully programable, and has many features that the stock ecu does not have, such as :
>two step rev limiter
>various auto mapping set-ups
>data logging system
>dual wide band system built in
>configuable knock control
>traction control
>various maping set ups, such as alpha-n, and boost compensated
>and it goes on and on ......
We are the first to admit that we are not expert AEM tuners, but hope to be in the near future. Chris has gone to AEM school and we have been assisting in whatever way we can, the engineer responsable for the Viper version of the AEM *** . The Viper unit has proven to be a challenging project, "SA" the engineer doing this is very modest, but I have to give him credit, he has worked very hard to get this going . It has been an interesting learning experiance for us as well. We are hoping that the EMS unit will be out by Chrismas time, but as anyone who has been involved with this sort of thing, problems can always pop up, even when you least expect them . If anyone is interested in learing more about the AEM unit, I recomend that you sign up to the AEM message board. There you will find enought AEM information to keep you sitting in front of your computer for weeks.