I must admit I was afraid that when our regions dues (which were the lowest in the VCA....at $60)went to $100 we would loose members. Boy was I wrong, we went from the 11 members Jon B. mentioned to 65 today.
Those that make our regional events seem to enjoy them immensely, and yes they do cost something, so lets look at that question. Our last event was $60/person. What did the attendees get for $60? Breakfast, lunch and a Dinner banquet on Saturday, and buffet breakfast at the resort Sunday too, also all got a Johnny Lightning limited Edition GT-2 Viper. That was the "stuff", but what did they really leave with? Memories..... memories of getting stuck behind that Cushman coming of Queen Wilhelmena Mountain.... and memories of blowing out that "Cushman carbon" once we got past him, memories of the the two best mountain top views in the state, memories of visiting two unreal automotive collections, memories of a shop tour through one of the premier head and block manufacturers in the U.S. (Brodix), and to top it off all made new friends (heck I even got a few Christmas cards this year from some of the attendees)...
Do I wish all our members made the events? Heck Yes.... but we are trying to do things for those that can't make them too, we called many of our eligible members personally to remind them of the '03 certificate program, our officers are working on a nice Polo Shirt for members that renew.
Is $100 a lot.... yes, but not really, specially if you take advantage of what that $100 could give you. You'll save more than that for your VCA discount at Viper Days, we try to save you that $100 every year via the viperclub.org web site...... and every region does its darndest to give it back to its members in any way it can. Some have full color newsletters, some (like ours) simple B/W newsletters, some give enameled pins, some hold great events... we all try our best, and really hope we make the grade.
This year alone I attended fantastic events in Dallas, TX, Shreveport, LA and Hot Springs, AR.
I have belonged to a lot of car clubs over the years, and can say the following with experience, most of the events the VCA regions hold are equivalent to the NATIONAL events most clubs hold.
Next year? As Chris said, VOI will be worth it all by itself!