Ron Jr quote: "Also I think its fair we see the FULL dyno sheet (with rpm) from the top pic dated 6/21/03 and bottom pic. dated 7/29/06 the one with the better a/f tuning"
Why is this more important than addresing why SVS installs lifters and clutches incorrectly, takes 30 hours to swap half shafts and doesn't bother to install other things billed until the customer complains?
Methinks you ought to respond to the real issues rather than ask for complete copies of dyno sheets. The amount of hours one spends (or bills for) installing half shafts doesn't really show up on a dyno sheet, does it?
You claim that these jpgs didn't need to be written on. Wrong again....I whited out phone numbers and other stuff I had written on them in the margin because I didn't want to drag my business phone messages into this!
Ron Jr. quote: "f we were in a legal court and you brought me a dyno sheet that you were making claims about and only showed half the information that was obviously cropped out then you would be requested to show the rest of the sheet"
Its really really difficult to show information that was cropped
out. I wish I knew that trick. I'll assume you meant only showed half the information "that wasn't cropped out". So here're the two dyno sheets you asked about in their full glory....though I don't think they help you explain the lifters, clutch, shifter, half-shafts, bad bad cam and other assorted bad things.
One last thing, in one of your more recent posts that had nothing to do with lifters, clutch, shifter, half-shafts, bad bad cam and other assorted bad things you asked for :
I find it slightly insulting that you'd want to see receipts for floor mats and touch up paint rather than address the real issues. For your benefit I'll repeat them again:
lifters, clutch, shifter, half-shafts, bad bad cam and other assorted bad things
Please tell your legal staff to hurry up, we're all tiring of this crap.