This is strictly a supply and demand issue. The car is new, there are none available and some people are willing to accept the mark up and pay it.
My understanding is a car dealer purchases the car from Chrysler....Chrysler does not "loan" them the car to sit on the lot for free. They may get flooring funding with interest an rate for 60, 90 or 120 days, maybe from the manufacturer or an outside credit company like GE Capital (I'm just guessing here, not a car dealer). What I'm getting at it's their damn car and they can sell it for whatever they feel it will bring. I didn't see anybody who purchased a Gen 3 or Gen 4 under MSRP complain?
So for those not willing to shop around for MSRP or wait until supply meets demand, many dealers will continue to attempt to get a mark up.
Apparently nobody on this forum has ever had issues paying extra for the following:
-Over $3000.00 for a single Super Bowl ticket
-Over $1500.00 to sit ringside at a UFC fight
-First Class airline tickets
-Paying more than the asking price for a house since the market demand is high (at least in my area)
For those that did buy at MSRP, if the car still stays a hot commodity and is in high demand and continues to get a mark up premium, you may have a car worth more than MSRP even 6 months from's that for an equity bump?
My complaint is: like many, those of us that put cash down months ago, ordered the first day, are sitting here, with no news to when our custom orders will be built - while these cars sit on dealer lots, unsold.
These dealers are only getting 1-2 allocations, because in the past they have done the same thing and had a hard time moving them. Perhaps if they followed Woodhouse and Tomball, they'd have more allocations this time around. If anything, the high markups prevent them from further allocations. What a smart business decision that is.
"But we had to pay SRT $25,000 to sell them!" - yes, I have to pay thousands of dollars for useless compliance every single year, it is a cost of doing business. $25,000 over 5 years of selling them is peanuts.
It really makes SRT look like a substandard brand by allowing dealers to do this. Other high end brands strictly don't allow for this kind of thing.