What kills me is it seems no one can get the price right , so no wonder consumers are confused or think salespeople are giving them incorrect pricing. Again we see a price for a base ACR ( not the Extreme Aero Option) and no cost for shipping so folks think the car is 117K+ gas guzzler in this case - whoops forgot shipping again. Easier to be transparent and tell everyone it is 122,490 for an ACR and if you want one similar to the one you are testing ( no stripes or other options included ,of course ) it will be $6000 higher ----so an ACR with the Extreme Aero Package Option starts at $128,490. I have seen suggested pricing for the car all over the board with many of the news releases out now, so time to clarify since there really should not be any confusion out there. Have to figure some Journalists are only half listening to this portion of the product info.........understandable to a point, as many are likely drooling just to get in the car and whip around VIR?!