Yesterday, I had my Roe SC tuned on the dyno. Today is a beautiful day in the Atlanta area so I thought I would take the Viper out to see how its new tuning ran. I was driving calmly down the road when 4 sport bikes came rushing up behind me and literally were riding about a foot or two from my rear bumper. They pulled up along side of me reving their I reved back. They waved their fingers at me saying "no" and were laughing. Well, what better time to test the Roe tuning I just had done. I down shifted and nailed it and walked away from them. They were fast, but no match! At the next red light, they pulled up along side of me and said, "That thing is sick! We thought we were going to have some fun messing with you. I guess not. We know you've done something to that thing!" That is when I popped in a CD and played "Another One Bites the Dust." We all laughed at the song and drove off slowly to enjoy the sunny drive. Nice guys on the bikes but I know nothing about bikes. All I know was they were Kawasakis and Ducattis???