As Dave has stated, I have been running the ProEFI 128 ECU for about a year now on my Gen II GTS and it is one of the best systems I have used. I handle 100% of the electronics and tuning on my Viper and periodically assist Drummond Race Cars in tuning their Promod, Outlaw, and Street/Strip cars which primarily run Big Stuff and Fast/XFI systems.
Functionally it is a phenomenal system that has addressed quite a few options that many systems lack or require repeated "upgrades" to acquire. Software definitely takes some getting used to and requires a late model laptop to keep up with the graphic intensive nature. VE based fuel tuning incorporating fuel pressure as part of the calculation it just the beginning of the capabilities. Flex fuel, traction control, boost control, nitrous control, fail safes, etc are all built into the system.
The one thing that anyone considering ProEFI should be aware of is data acquisition has to be handled via an external system. You can do live data logging with a laptop connected directly through the ProEFI ECU, but no data logging can occur other than live with a laptop. ProEFI also sells external data loggers. I chose to use a Racepak Data logger due to the extensive data I require and prefer to have it this way because the expandibility of a Racepak Data logger is about endless. The Racepak uses an SD Card to store data log files and works flawlessly.
ProEFI can only be purchased through a dealer. Off hand, I know that Larry Prebis @ Sound Performance is well versed with the system.
Currently Jason @ ProEFI does not have a Plug-n-Play harness in stock as he is having problems sourcing connectors. My last conversation with him a couple of days, he is actively working on finding a solution to the wiring harness issue.