whats the difference between high impedance and low ???
High Imp. are called "saturated" injectors, while Low Imp. are called "Peak and Hold" Injectors. Saturated injectors fire with about 1 amp of current, and are held open with about 1 amp of current. Peak and Hold Inj. have a much beefier coil, and are fired at 4-5 amps, and then within a couple ms of opening, are reduced to one amp. Effectively, they Open MUCH faster, they are prevented from overheating during static conditions by the 1 amp "hold" driver, and also close faster because they are less susceptible to being slowed during closing by electromagnetic induction due to their low hold-open current. generally larger injectors will be of the P&H variety.
P&H injectors can be run in a saturated circuit by using resistors, but they effectively become Saturated injectors as such, and have no P&H properties... in some cases, they may be slower than a true saturated injector. Saturated injectors can also be run in a P&H circuit, but their P&H functions are greatly reduced as they have their own internal high-resistance, preventing a full 4-5 amp firing. They may gain a little speed by way of the current reduction, but thats about it.
Generally, its best to stick with the correct injector, resistors are just a cost-cutting measure as P&H are generally cheaper to buy in high-flow injectors. If you REALLY need a HUGE injector (over 60-70 lbs), get a true P&H driver, and run them correctly. There are excellent P&H drivers on the market that will turn saturated signals into a true 4-1 P&H signal, and make sub-1ms injector firing possible. For example, a stock saturated Viper injector idles at about 6-8ms. I have run 96lb P&H injectors on an SRT w/a P&H driver at full fuel system pressure, idling at ~.8ms without a problem. (also note, the rough calculation is 3x the injector size, but the pulse is about 1/10 that of the saturated injector- thats how much faster a P&H responds than a saturated. A saturated injector run at .8ms would not even open fully if at all, thats why idle quality would be so horrible.)