Updated Supercharger Frequently Asked Questions Page....

Sean Roe

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Sep 19, 2000
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Hi Everyone,

We just updated the FAQ on our website as we started shipping the third production run of Superchargers (shipped #104 yesterday).

Here it is for your review.

Supercharger System Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What modifications or upgrades are needed in order to run the Supercharger?
A. None. It was built to be a bolt on system. There are no holes to drill into the frame, no holes needed to run hoses through fenderwells, no drilling required into the oil pan, no factory hoses to cut, no factory components to relocate and no original parts need to be modified by cutting.

2. What modifications or upgrades do you recommend with the Supercharger?
A. We recommend smooth tubes, high flow air filters, no cats (or high flow cats at the least), a new fuel filter and a good set of spark plug wires for best results. Beyond that, it depends on how much power you want to make.

3. What kind of power should I expect to get?
A. Typical HP gain, peak number to peak number at 5psi is 28% with 93 octane fuel. Greater gains in percentage are experienced below the peaks, with a 45% torque increase at low RPM’s. Higher boost yields higher HP and Torque depending on engine configuration and modifications to improve flow.

4. Does my car need new pistons?
A. The system was made to run with stock pistons.

5. I hear that 2000 and newer Viper have cast pistons. Is it safe to run with cast pistons?
A. The 2000 and newer Vipers do have eutectic pistons. The top ring land is higher up on the piston. This limits the amount of safe cylinder pressure you can run. Our standard 5 psi system is designed for use with these pistons. Adding nitrous oxide or increasing boost is not recommended with the 2000 and newer stock pistons. We recommend forged pistons (original equipment in 1992 to 1999 engines) for higher boost applications.

6. What octane fuel do I have to use?
A. A minimum of 91 octane. Octane is also you limiting factor on how much boost / timing advance you can run. The higher the octane, the more timing advance / boost you can run, which yields greater power gains.

7. Does it come with throttle bodies, or do I need new throttle bodies?
A. Both stock and aftermarket throttle bodies fit the system. You may use your existing throttle bodies. None are needed or included with the kit

8. Does it come with a new computer?
A. The system comes with our VEC2 (Viper Engine Calibrator). It’s a complete computer system which operates the fuel injectors and directly and controls spark advance. It plugs directly into the factory wiring harness and acts in series with the stock PCM. Inputs to the factory PCM are not altered in order to control fuel (the VEC2 has programmable maps) and the factory PCM remains to handle functions such as when to turn on the fans, A/C and OBDII diagnostic (emissions) functions.

9. How is the engine tuned for use with the Supercharger?
A. We reduce the timing advance under boost and increase the fuel to air ratio. Under normal vacuum driving conditions, it’s tuned to stock settings. We provide program cards for the VEC2, which allow you to quickly make changes based on fuel octane. The cards use current Smart Card technology, allowing you to swipe a card through the VEC2 reader in order to instantly change the program.

10. How does this affect my factory warranty?
A. In regard to engine warranty, it will most likely void it depending on the relationship you have with your dealer. However, you will still have warranty rights on other parts of the vehicle. View the “Specialty Auto Parts Consumer Bill of Rights” on the internet at http://www.enjoythedrive.com/content/?id=8123 .

11. Does the Supercharger system have a warranty?
A. Yes, 12 months and unlimited mileage for all parts included in the system. This warranty provides for the warranty exchange of any Supercharger System part that is found to be defective during this period of time and does not cover any other parts of the vehicle or labor.

12. Is the car going to run hotter with the Supercharger?
A. The engine will run the same temperature as before under all normal operating conditions. Horsepower builds heat, so the motor will only run warmer when you’re running the car hard.

13. I have a carbon fiber air-box. Will I be able to use it with the Supercharger?
A. Most likely, no. Our intake tubes are slightly higher and wider than stock. Most of the aftermarket air boxes extend to the stock throttle bodies and have very short smooth tubes. There isn’t enough movement available in the short tubes to cover the change in location. The stock air-box will still work with the Supercharger as do many other individual cone type filters.

14. Is the Supercharger emissions certified?
A. No.

15. Will the stock catalytic converters be ok?
A. The stock cats have 4 substrates and are designed for the stock car. With higher exhaust volume and richer air/ fuel ratios, they can overheat causing heat damage to nearby components. We recommend no cats or high flow cats.

16. Does everything fit under the hood?
A. Yes.

17. Is the stock fuel pump enough, or does it have to be replaced?
A. Generally, the stock fuel pump is good for producing up to 610 rear wheel HP and up to 5,500 RPM. Anything above that should use a fuel pump voltage booster or larger pump. Once you reach a point around 700 RWHP, the pump may have to be replaced if the fuel to air ratio falls off in conjunction with the fuel pressure.

18. I have stock exhaust manifolds. Will the Supercharger be ok on my car?
A. Yes, but keep in mind they’re designed for a stock 488 cubic inch motor. You’ll be adding over an additional 200 cubic inches worth of air under boost with the Supercharger. The exhaust volume flowing through the pipes goes up with engine RPM. The stock exhaust should not be restrictive for low to mid range RPM use (idle to 4,500 RPM), but should be increased in size for best results at higher RPM’s.

19. I hear the stock crankshaft hub is not keyed. Does it have to be keyed?
A. The Viper crankshaft and balancer hub are not keyed from the factory. This in itself is not a problem as long as the bolt remains at factory torque (250 ft/lbs). For further security, we have created a tool, which allows the installer to pin the crankshaft and hub together. The tool can be used without removing the engine or power steering rack. It is free to use if your installer (shop or self) does not have one. The Supercharger installation instructions call for the installer to then use red Loctite on the bolt and torque to factory specs. We have had no problems when this procedure is followed.

20. Will the car idle normal?
A. Yes. Idle is still controlled by the factory PCM. Nothing in the Supercharger system alters or controls engine idle.

21. Is there any whistling noise from the Supercharger?
A. There’s a very slight whistle when the Supercharger is cold and you rev the engine lightly. While driving normally, there is no additional noise. At full throttle, spectators in front of the car will hear what has been described as a “Jet-like” sound as the car approaches.

22. Will the engine exhaust be louder?
A. Generally, yes.

23. How is the boost controlled?
A. Boost is a function of Supercharger RPM and efficiency versus engine RPM and efficiency. Changing the pulley diameter on the Supercharger alters the boost.

24. I have a modified heads on my engine. Can I use the Supercharger kit on it?
A. Most likely, yes, though you will need to match the fuel system requirements with larger injectors. 40 lb/hr injectors are standard in our kits (factory is 29 lb/hr) and 50+ lb/hr injectors are available for a small $12 per injector upgrade fee at time of initial purchase. If the head or deck heights have been cut, the Supercharger manifold mounting surfaces may need to be cut also. There is enough material in the manifold for port matching to larger intake ports.

25. Can I run more than 5-psi boost?
A. That depends on your pistons and octane of fuel. Forged piston motors (stock 1996 to 1999 engines) are better suited for higher boost. Fuel octane also plays an important role and a minimum of 93 octane is recommended. Otherwise, yes, higher boost pulleys are available

26. How difficult is it to install the Supercharger System?
A. Most installations take 8 hours, with significantly shorter times possible from experienced installers (4 to 5 hours). The installation is done with the car on the ground and no bodywork has to be removed, though it is more comfortable if you remove the hood (less than 5 minutes and requires no adjustment when re-installed).

27. What do most shops charge to install the Supercharger?
A. $550 to $600 for the installation of the Supercharger is common.

28. Can I really install the Supercharger myself?
A. If you’re mechanically capable of performing your own service, have tools and a place to install it, yes. We pre-assemble most of the components, seal them and put them in individually numbered boxes. There are no holes to drill into the frame or fuel lines to cut / make.

29. What if my engine has detonation (pinging)?
A. We supply standard 91 and 93 octane fuel cards with the system. If our standard tune VEC2 program cards do not meet the needs of an engine, we make changes to the program. Ignition timing advance can be easily altered at specific RPM and boost ranges as needed with the VEC2 software.

30. Can I use my Mopar PCM with the system?
A. We recommend the original equipment street PCM at this time.

31. Is there software for programming the VEC2 so I can do it myself?
A. A Windows based program is available for customer use. It comes with a Smart Card reader / writer, complete instructions, Smart Cards and sample programs.

32. If my car needs service, where do I have to send it?
A. The Supercharger does not change anything regarding how your vehicle is serviced. There are no items placed in the engine compartment, which hinder access (i.e., it still only takes 5 minutes to change a serpentine belt and no parts have to be removed to do so). All standard items are still accessible and the Supercharger requires no special maintenance. Continue to have your vehicle serviced as it was before the Supercharger.

33. My car has a lot of blow-by when the engine is hot. What about crankcase ventilation?
A. We outline three different methods of crankcase ventilation in the installation manual. The parts for each style are provided. They range from a true PCV system to a track use setup. Each method is explained in the manual.

34. I live in high altitude. Will the Supercharger work here?
A. Yes.

35. I see the kit works for a 1996 GTS, but I have a 1996 RT/10. Will the Supercharger kit fit it?
A. 1992 to 1996 RT/10 engines are considered “heavyweight” or Gen 1 engines. 1997 to 2002 RT/10 and all 1996 to 2002 GTS engines are considered “lightweight” or Gen 2 engines. The kits for each are different. The differences is in the front idler and support mounting as well as some other small changes. The majority of the kit is the same.

36. Do you have a kit for the SRT/10?
A. Not at this time. We plan to start on it at the end of 2003.

37. Do you have a kit for 1992 to 1996 RT/10’s?
A. We’re working to finish it now. Should be available late 2003.

38. Can I use Nitrous Oxide with the Supercharger?
A. Yes, but we suggest you consult with us prior to installation so that we may help you with technical information and custom program cards.

39. Does it have an intercooler?
A. It’s not necessary at low (5psi) boost levels with this style of Supercharger. However, we are prototyping a system for use at higher boost levels, such as 7, 8, 10 and 12 psi.

40. Is it safe for road racing use?
A. Yes, as long as the rest of the drive train system is setup to handle it. Forged pistons are recommended, as is improved engine oil cooler. The Supercharger itself actually runs cooler at wide-open throttle and several owner track their cars with them.

41. What kind of ¼ mile times should I expect with the Supercharger?
A. That varies tremendously based on driver, tires and other upgrades. It is not uncommon for a Viper to run mid 10’s with a good driver, slick / skinnies and the standard bolt on upgrades.

42. What if my car doesn’t run right?
A. All the normal mechanical rules still apply with the Supercharger. It in itself is just an air compressor. Vipers are notoriously finicky cars in regard to setting check engine lights. Normal, good sense diagnostic work typically reveals the cause, Supercharger installation related or not. We have over 100 systems in use and can quickly help you diagnose any potential problems. We also include a comprehensive trouble-shooting guide with each kit. There is nothing that can’t be corrected or overcome.

43. I have a higher compression in my engine. Can I use the Supercharger on it?
A. We don’t recommend anything over about 10:1 at 5 psi. Too much timing needs to be pulled out to stave off detonation above that point.

44. Do I have to change the camshaft?
A. No. The system is designed to work with your original equipment camshaft, though greater gains are possible with a custom designed cam.

45. Do you have a head and cam package available for the Supercharger?
A. Not at this time, but we’re working on it and should have good test data soon.

46. Can I get a spare belt?
A. Yes, we have good supply of 7 rib belts on the shelf. But, if you need something from the local auto parts store in a hurry, a standard 985K6 serpentine belt (6 rib) will work just fine at 5 to 8 psi.

47. Does the Supercharger get its oil from the engine, or is it self-contained?
A. It’s self-contained. Approximately 5 ounces of multi-weight synthetic motor oil is in the front drive gear section.

48. What kind of maintenance does the Supercharger add?
A. Next to none. The oil in the unit does not come from the engine oiling system, which gets contaminated from blowby and the combustion process. Therefore, the compressor oil stays cleaner and in better condition longer. We suggest the case oil level be checked at each engine oil change. The oil color will be the first indication that a change is due, which should be at approximately 50,000 miles.

49. I have headers and 1.7 rockers on my engine. Is it ok to use the Supercharger with these?
A. Yes. In fact, these will help improve the efficiency of the engine, allowing it to get more air in and out of the cylinders, thus creating more power.

50. What size headers and exhaust do you recommend?
A. The larger the primary tubes are, the higher the RPM range the horsepower gains will be. 1&3/4” primaries with 3” collectors work well for creating the increased flow needed for 5,000 RPM and up power gains.

51. What is the difference between a Twin Screw Supercharger and a Centrifugal Supercharger?
A. A Twin Screw is considered a positive displacement supercharger, meaning it pumps a specified amount of air in one direction for each revolution. Positive displacement superchargers do not have to turn high RPM’s to create boost and make full boost starting at just off idle. A centrifugal supercharger is basically a belt driven turbo, which uses an impeller to move the air. It relies on RPM to create airflow and therefore needs to spool up. The higher RPM centrifugal superchargers produce more heat than the lower RPM twin screw style. Another benefit of the twin screw style is that they make more low RPM power than the centrifugal type because of how quickly the boost comes on. A centrifugal supercharger actually causes a drag and decreases power slightly in lower RPM ranges.

52. Once I’ve installed the Supercharger, will my stock intake still be able to go back on without an indication that the Supercharger was there?
A. Yes, nothing gets modified for the installation of this Supercharger kit.

53. How long does it take to remove the Supercharger and put my original intake back on?
A. To remove the Supercharger and install your stock intake can be done in about three hours.

54. What if I get a check engine light?
A. We suggest you purchase a simple code reading tool. They’re available for less than $60 and take the mystery out of what the check engine light is for. Take advantage of the factory diagnostic system when a light comes on and find out what caused it. It may or may not be Supercharger installation related.

55. Can I have my system chromed?
A. Yes. The air intake tubes and air inlet box at the back of the Supercharger are steel. We have them powder-coated with a finish that looks like ceramic coating. It can be removed and the pipes can be chromed, though we do not offer this service.

56. Can I use the stock airbox and smooth tubes I already have?
A. Yes. The Supercharger should get the coolest air possible. The factory air intake system is designed to pull in ambient air. We do not recommend using an air intake system which draws hot air from between the radiator and engine as this decrease power (hotter air is less dense).

57. Do I have to increase my fuel pressure?
A. No. We provide larger replacement injectors with the Supercharger kit. Injectors are designed to atomize fuel within a specific fuel pressure range. The factory fuel pressure is controlled with a regulator in the tank, which is set to 55 psi. Increasing fuel pressure beyond what an injector was designed for reduces its ability to atomize fuel properly.


Viper Fever

Viper Owner
Nov 24, 2001
Reaction score
Pocatello,Idaho,83201 U.S.A.
Sean once you plug in the vec2 are there adjustments
or do you plug it in and forget it.I want somthing that I don't need to set everytime I get in the car.Your superchrger is on my list just have to finish my house, hopefully in November-----------

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