Anyone here have a dead VCA region?

Dr Roof

Jan 22, 2002
Reaction score
Louisville, KY usa

Im not trying to start a flame here, however it is difficult for club members to drive 3 hours for a meeting or anything. I missed Frankfort due to not having my car. However there is enough cars in this area that we should do alot more in this area. Not bad that you guys do alot in Indiana but it is not convenient for anyone in Louisville area. Therefore we have a Gap between the area's let's fill it and we can all be happy. Until this happens I will come to Local events and hook up with other Viper owners informally.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
"For example, one could count on just one finger (which finger is your call...) the number of local Viper Clubs meetings in 2003. And yes, I was there..."

So what was it... 55% of all the membership money goes to the regions and at least 30 cars/members are required to make-up a region... and if we assume the minimum... Joe, did that one club activity seem like it would have cost $16,500 to you?

Did the 2+ months in the making financial disclosure material break-out expenditures/allocations and membership revenue by region? It would be interesting to see if there is an association between a "dead region" and a region that is simply lacking membership thus it is lacking money for activities. You would have to assume that one of two possible scenarios are correct:

- A dead region, one where not much is going on thus not much money is being spent, has been getting its membership revenue allocations from VCA National and then should be able and expected to provide bank statements to account for it since it is not being spent on regional activities.


- A dead region, one where not much is going on thus not much money is being spent, has not been getting its membership revenue allocations from VCA National (for whatever reason) and VCA National should then be able and expected to account for it.

30 members NOT 300. Those 30 members provide $55 each and that would be $1650. And not always that, by the way. First year membership paid by Dodge only nets the region $25. Renewals paid by credit card only net about $53.

VCA National sends out monthly membership checks. There has NEVER been an issue of regions not getting their allocation, so don't start **** on your unfounded speculation.

Any region should be able to provide accounting to it's members at any time. If a member wants to know, no one is stopping him / her.

I don't understand why you feel the need to stir the *** on this when it doesn't impact you AT ALL?

It's not always about finances. It's about levels of participation. We held an autocross last year. We made sure it was cetnrally located so that all our region members had a distance to drive,and included South Carolina members. Well, guess what - not a one showed up. It was mostly the usual crowd. So ya know what, this year we moved it closer to "home" for those folks. Then, we went to the car chow in Charlotte, again, no one from SC showed. My guess is that they will say we are a "dead" region, but that's simply not true. I had asked form someone to help plan a SC event, but no one was willing, and it's hard for me to plan an event in a location 4-5 hours away.

Our region makes money and spends it on activities our members attend. Those that don't, really end up subsidizing those that do - all our events include food (like the lovely lunch at the Speedway Club in Charlotte), or sandwiches at the pre-ViperDays tech event, and then often offer something different, like VERY NICE prizes for the autocross event, t-shirts, keychains and even brake bleeding bottles at the tech session. Members only paid for the autocross, as it was costly to get instructors and timing equipment from the local SCCA club.

So, as is so many things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. We've NEVER turned down an offer to help. If someone wants to plan an event or have an event closer to home, make the suggestion and offer to help. It will definitely be appreciated and you won't have to do it all yourself - you'll have tons of help, it's just nice to offer.


Feb 23, 2003
Reaction score
All good points Jain... However, while these financial details do not directly impact me the issues I raise do have an impact on perspective members like myself, as well as former members who might be inclined to join again if there concerns were taken seriously.

I never asked to see the actual financial statements because that's none of my business until I join but watching what went on after a member asked for them had an impact. And what I raised in this thread, math skills aside, are all part of the same issue of a perception of financial impropriety.

I am not "stirring" anything just to be a ****, these are legit concerns that any informed person would want addressed before joining. National officers, President, etc.. are supposed to care about this type of thing.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Out there:

I DO care about this type of thing. I was a strong supporter of getting the national financials ASAP - it was disgraceful that it took so long.

HOWEVER - have you ever seen anyone question the propriety of any region's financials? I don't believe I have. In fact, it's been just the opposite. Regions are VERY MUCH in touch with the members and share information often and willingly.

Heck, I'd be willing to share our financials with a PROSPECTIVE member - after all, I am a steward of the money that BELONGS to the members and how I handle that money may have an impact on his / her membership decision.

This thread is about the REGIONS, not national. Assuming the same level of openness about the regions is misguided and every bit of information about region financials has been 180 degrees from the problems that folks have pointed out with national.

We have about $3500 in our treasury right now. We try to spend down so that we have a little money at years end, but ask anyone who has attended a few events and I can guarantee you that they will say they have gotten more than $55 worth of free stuff.

Let's just keep the regional and national issues separate - as they are in real life. Unless there is an issue with a member having difficulties with a region, I'll ask you not paint everyone with the same brush - it's 1) unfair 2) unfounded and 3) inflammatory.

Regional Pres with open books.


VCA Venom Member
Venom Member
Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Zionsville,IN. USA
Thanks, David...I REALLY DO appreciate your circumstance. PERSONALLY, I have pushed to have your area initate MORE local events, including the simple/spontaneous breakfast runs that we enjoy here. We run with mostly other Vipers with a few 'Stangs, M3's, Porsches, etc...simply good car folks, and enjoy the day.
I certainly realize the required (per bylaws) monthly business meetings are a little "slow" but necessary, nonetheless, to the Club on course.

Your Southern Director (Glenn) is presently trying to nail down SEPARATE tech and dyno days in YOUR area (if you have a favorite dyno place in/near Louisville, please let us know) as we are busy putting together the 2004 schedule.

Keep your thoughts and advice coming !!!


Feb 23, 2003
Reaction score
I still consider the revenue allocations to regions as a legitimate issue, one that has everything to do with this thread.

If Tampa is so dead... why? Lack of members? OK, then one should expect activities to be lacking as well. Lack of member participation and effective regional leadership? If that is the case, then where is all the money that is supposed to have been allocated to the Tampa region from National? Money from all the Tampa members who are sitting around doing nothing. And Houston must be a huge region... where apparently not much is happening as well. As I understand it: Dues (revenue) are collected nationally and then allocated/distributed regionally. If that is the case, how then can you separate the two?

This doesn't assume someone in Tampa is taking it... doesn't assume someone is not taking it either. Is all the money actually making it to Tampa? This is what the financial statements are supposed to account for. If I am going to join say the Tampa region (where I was living when I bought my Viper btw), I would talk to AB, Gerald, etc... and they will tell me the kinds of things about there membership experience that they have posted about here. My next question then: "Then what are you getting for your $100 a year, if you are telling me all you do is drive to restaurants? There are how many members in Tampa? Paying how much per year? How much is supposed to come back to support the regions and finance regionally activities? Where is my money going to go???". Cause you're not getting it until I know.

I have never mentioned regional anything in any of my "stirrings". But again, if you have a system where all the money from members goes to national and then it (supposed) to get allocated/distributed to the regions, when a member asks for the financial statements that are supposed to account for all this and it takes over two months and a lot of dancing to finally provided them... that is the definition of a perception of financial impropriety.

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
Call your chapter president. Offer your ideas, help. Organise an event to your liking.
*Regional dues are forwarded based on numbers of members. If the dues are not used for events, then the funds just sit in the bank.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I wouldn't mind having a dyno run in a month or so when I get a little forced induction help. That would be fun. I haven't renewed my membership due to lack of events and distance. I can't see paying all the money for a few mags. I will pay to go to the VOI.'s. Now that was fun! Especially with the GA crowd!! Pete did we get trashed or what! Or at lease I did! I got to meet some great people from all over and it was worth every penny! I'm just not into eating fish sandwiches and looking at eachother across the table and telling each other you have a nice car. I like the tech stuff, get together to do maintence on the car for those who like to do it. And some lively driving.

David, let's get a dyno event going for the locals here. Isn't there a shop in IN? What about rob raymer? I'm sure he knows others who have high performance cars.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I wouldn't mind having a dyno run in a month or so when I get a little forced induction help. That would be fun. I haven't renewed my membership due to lack of events and distance. I can't see paying all the money for a few mags. I will pay to go to the VOI.'s. Now that was fun! Especially with the GA crowd!! Pete did we get trashed or what! Or at lease I did! I got to meet some great people from all over and it was worth every penny! I'm just not into eating fish sandwiches and looking at eachother across the table and telling each other you have a nice car. I like the tech stuff, get together to do maintence on the car for those who like to do it. And some lively driving.

David, let's get a dyno event going for the locals here. Isn't there a shop in IN? What about rob raymer? I'm sure he knows others who have high performance cars.

Oh by the way tampa region rocked too!

Jay Herbert

Dec 7, 1997
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, CA

I asked about starting a more Local region in the Louisville area to serve Lex Cincy and us but said we need about 50 cars. Maybe we should just do something unformal? there is about 10-12 VIpers just in Louisville and several in Lexington as well.

Everything is done in 2-3 hours away. some of the guys in the region are great but just hard to make that trip.

This is where open minded officers can help a lot. Our region covers three states and most of our events were in the northern part of our region. Our president pushed hard to find members in the southern areas to hold a few events. The region gladly put up the money for the events (as it should) and the result where events in New Orleans and Shreveport. The pres said "If you have five cars show.. it will be worth it, there needs to be events people do not need to drive forever to get to." It worked out well, and the new president put together the regions first road course event.

Unfortunately many feel an "event" has to be huge, well, some of our small "five car" events have been the most fun! A region can have a ball with pockets of a half dozen cars getting together at far flung "extremes" of the geograpic area covered by the region.

Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
Sorry to hear things are slow in some areas. The best clubs have a enthusiastic President, and an active Board. Often times members are sad that the type of activities they enjoy are lacking. Rarely will a club leader turn down an offer from a member (or prospective member) to host an event. Just a few active members can often fire up a club.

SoCal usually has a couple events every month. Nov. 21-23 will see our Santa Barbara slither, December 6th Karting at the Dromo, and our gala Holiday party upon the motoryacht ICON in Newport Beach.

Please give your President a call, ask how you can help to increase events in your local area, and become an inspiration!


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
So Cal rocks! Glad I moved here, after growing up in a remote location. I know very, very, well, what it feels like to be far from fun things to do.

Wish everyone accross the US had these opportunities we have here. My thanks for great people like Melanie and Greg Baxter, who do so much for us. You guys deserve a lot of praise!

Best regards to all those far flung around the States.


Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga
on the subject of regional finaces, the ga region, never had a checking account until I took over as treas. so we had 4k$ of checks that had never been cashed. There were no hidden agendas.

On the subject of what do you get for your membership $$, have any of you ever belonged to any other car club?? The VCA with Dodge support has to be one of the best values for the dollar of any club I have belonged to. I have been a board member of the Porsche club & ferrari club & in no time in the last 20 years has either ever supplied cars that the general membership can beat on in a competitive event. None. Porsche is headquatered here in ATL & we have over 1000 local members, although they ask for our clubs help in the Petit lemans for example, they charge the club for admission in the hospitality tent!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
I am sometimes stunned that Owners who benefit so much JUST FROM THIS SITE will "withhold" dues.

1) The VCA works SO FLIPPIN HARD for owners on important quality-of-ownership issues. Recent example: SRT-10 valves. We need MEMBERS to have CLOUT w/ D-C.
We need YOU. We need a MAJORITY of owners. YOU benefit.

2) The VCA regions and National VCA works very hard to mediate problems. There have been DOZENS of examples of this VCA Site becoming the "court of last resort" for Owners.....asking for VCA help, and NOT being members! Outrageous.

3) OTHER REGIONS HELP YOU RIGHT HERE! NETWORKING at its best. Join those regions if you APPRECIATE them. Is your region Dead? No region at all? SELECT ONE! learn how Janni's region works, and take the info and improve YOUR region. SoCal has an AWESOME newsletter.....join for that!

[The highest compliment I was given 5-6 years ago, on an old VCA site, was when a CA or MT or UT or ?? owner joined PAC-NW, saying "I just appreciate your help , JonB, so Im joining YOUR region...I dont have one".....] Join JANNI's!

4) VCA Notes,

5) VCA auctions,

6) VCA early allocations (GTS, SRT, SRT-10 Ram next?)

7) VOIs have special Member recognition events, and VCA has "Member Of The Year" awards possible, and yet un-used. You CAN be active on national work, volunteer! VCA-past set up "GTS Discount Financing, Reliable Carrier Discounts, and more.

8) VCA VENDOR discounts! Heck, PartsRack, SnakeOyl, and others will PAY your dues. I have politely brow-beat customers to call 1-800-998-1110 and JOIN, and I gave them an IMMEDIATE $100 off an already-placed large order. In this way, a VENDOR pays your membership. [not 5 minutes ago I LOWERED an invoice by $50 because Archie agreed to call 1-800-998-1110 and join RIGHT NOW.]

9) You belong. ID-card, etc, may be considered as insignificant, but you are taking ownership of this club, and you are ENTITLED to a say, and to be heard. You have STANDING.

10) Re-read #1; I did not say its cheap-O to receive bennies here and NOT join But it IS! Save $75 elsewhere ($75 Above ViperMag subscription) but JOIN VCA and make it bigger and better, and empowered at D-C on YOUR behalf..


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Darnestown, MD
Different needs/wants for different people.

Cruises and lunches are pleasant, but intermixed with some real blood-pumping "Viper" events would make regional functions a lot more special. I've only been a member for five months and have experienced the former, but am anxiously waiting for the latter. Hopefully, our region will include some of the latter in the new year. If not, I'll just look for "excitement" part outside of VCA, while occasionally participating in VCA-sponsored pleasantries.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Mach500 - come out to ViperDays at VIR next year and get to the largest gathering of snakes outside a VOI - and it's in your neck of the woods. That should be enough excitement for ya!

I know the VA/MD club occasionally drag races. Maybe you could offer to coordinate an autocross event - it's perfect event for the SRT-10, and on a large enough course, you can have some real fun. A local sports car club should have access to good facilities, as well as timing and scoring equipment to make this a truly competitive event. We've done one the last 2 years and it's one of our most popular events.


Nov 15, 2000
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga
Is anyone reading the posts? It is up to the membership to dictate what the club does. If there are no performance edriving events, start one yourself. Hook up with the scca or pca or what ever large club is present in your area. People tend to do what they like, so if your local region is into wine & shines then its up to you to change the view. Some say our region is too into driving events, my reply is always the same, "I will support you in any way I can to help you organize the event you want" I am sure your pres will do the same, & if they dont, let me know & Ill help you out.

Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY

JonB is right on this one at least for me. I decided to send my funds in. I have gotten a lot of good things out of this board.


Feb 4, 2002
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
I got my money's worth from VA/MD. But most events were hours away.
It's not the club's fault, that's just the way it is.

They did have a Viper/Vette drag day at MIR last year. I live very close to MIR and I attended with both cars.

The Viper/Vette session turned out to be crowded with the usual Saturday morning test and tune gang.
Long lines, long long waiting, delays for little kids in jr dragsters.
Vettes and Vipers outnumbered by all the usual.
Not the fault of the club. They tried to have a good event and did their best. It just wasn't much fun the way it turned out.

I drove a couple of hours to a crab feast. That was a good event. They had T shirts and the ***** were great. They put on a good event.
It's my fault that I live so far away, not theirs. I just can't see driving that far very often for lunch.

I just live too far away to be included in most of the club doings. I think that's a problem for quite a few owners.
Not much can be done to fix it.


Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
western wisc.
I am sometimes stunned that Owners who benefit so much JUST FROM THIS SITE will "withhold" dues.

1) The VCA works SO FLIPPIN HARD for owners on important quality-of-ownership issues. Recent example: SRT-10 valves. We need MEMBERS to have CLOUT w/ D-C.
We need YOU. We need a MAJORITY of owners. YOU benefit.

2) The VCA regions and National VCA works very hard to mediate problems. There have been DOZENS of examples of this VCA Site becoming the "court of last resort" for Owners.....asking for VCA help, and NOT being members! Outrageous.

3) OTHER REGIONS HELP YOU RIGHT HERE! NETWORKING at its best. Join those regions if you APPRECIATE them. Is your region Dead? No region at all? SELECT ONE! learn how Janni's region works, and take the info and improve YOUR region. SoCal has an AWESOME newsletter.....join for that!

[The highest compliment I was given 5-6 years ago, on an old VCA site, was when a CA or MT or UT or ?? owner joined PAC-NW, saying "I just appreciate your help , JonB, so Im joining YOUR region...I dont have one".....] Join JANNI's!

4) VCA Notes,

5) VCA auctions,

6) VCA early allocations (GTS, SRT, SRT-10 Ram next?)

7) VOIs have special Member recognition events, and VCA has "Member Of The Year" awards possible, and yet un-used. You CAN be active on national work, volunteer! VCA-past set up "GTS Discount Financing, Reliable Carrier Discounts, and more.

8) VCA VENDOR discounts! Heck, PartsRack, SnakeOyl, and others will PAY your dues. I have politely brow-beat customers to call 1-800-998-1110 and JOIN, and I gave them an IMMEDIATE $100 off an already-placed large order. In this way, a VENDOR pays your membership. [not 5 minutes ago I LOWERED an invoice by $50 because Archie agreed to call 1-800-998-1110 and join RIGHT NOW.]

9) You belong. ID-card, etc, may be considered as insignificant, but you are taking ownership of this club, and you are ENTITLED to a say, and to be heard. You have STANDING.

10) Re-read #1; I did not say its cheap-O to receive bennies here and NOT join But it IS! Save $75 elsewhere ($75 Above ViperMag subscription) but JOIN VCA and make it bigger and better, and empowered at D-C on YOUR behalf..

the more I read this thread, the more Jon's statement justify's the 100 bucks spent!!!!! This site is damn close to picking a viper techs ear for free!!!!!
this site is invaluable to a viper owner!!! If you have a problem, sit down and read a few posts and wa-la,,,,,, fixed. The other option is taking your car to the dealer and spending way more than the measly "100 bucks for a magazine" !!!!
Jon's right,, you guys that are too cheap to spend a 100 bucks too join and help out are just selfish. The info on this site is worth way more than a 100 bucks!!!!!!! write a check.........

Joe Dozzo

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Golden, CO
Being one of the negative posters, I hope none of the "cheapskate" comments are directed at me...

I do pay my dues. Have every year since I joined and have a great appreciation for all that I get from the National VCA. It's the chapter nearest where I live where I did't feel my funds are being used to the benefit of Viper owners. So I changed "Locals". N.Texas is now my "local". I at least get a newsletter, they have an active website and I can see all that chapter does for its members. Do I feel like I get $55 worth personally - probably not. If some of the N. Texas folks get some tiny extra benefit from my dollars, great! What goes around - I know - will some day come back around.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
I will echo just about everything said here - both good and bad. One of the main challenges most regions face is complete lack of contribution of ideas. Or the follow-through to get them organized. Case in point: We have a few wives that show up at our monthly meetings very, very rarely. When they do, they complain that there are no activities such as shopping cruises, dinner cruises, etc. Now despite being a CAR CLUB, we try to accommodate everybody. So when we recently had a cruise DESIGNED for these ladies (antique shopping in a historic town and lunch at a friggin' tea room), how many of those same ladies showed up? ZERO. Hell, more of our diehard race guys showed up than anything else. Will I ignore these ladies next time out? Nope, but I am not going to go out of my way to plan an event around them.

This holds true for just about everything. Even the most active regions need help from their members. Everybody says they want to do a drag race here and yet when we extend invites only a couple guys show up. Last year we had a generous offer from Bob Woodhouse to PAY for our entries at Viper Days in Iowa and I think only three people took advantage of it (I have no roll bar in my SRT, so I couldn't drive but did attend). Very unfortunate. And since I am one of the very few people that has met OutThere, I can say that he is a great guy but does NOT belong to the VCA and never has - but is included on our VCA e-mail list. Easy to throw rocks from the outside, although his concerns about the National finances is 100% valid.

And one last point on that: Our region spent virtually NOTHING on regional events for our first four years. I didn't even know we were allowed to. As a result, we have a nice balance in the account. But not for long: We are getting off our duffs and spending it on REAL club benefits such as large VCA "awnings" for our members to sit under on sunny days at races and car shows, Dyno Day IV, A full-blown Drag Race event this coming spring, a holiday party;/charity auction to top all others, and a free $23 Viper gift for EVERY member that renews or comes on board for 2004. Oh yeah, and we hired a professional to redo our regional website which has sucked for a while, but doesn't **** anymore:

The New Kansas City VCA Site

Bottom line: Your region will do what YOU want it to do. You just have to get involved and tell us what that is!



Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
And I forgot: ViperDays goves $100 off the novice school for VCA members.
So SKIP pays your VCA membership AND upgrades your 'software' !!

And I think the OTHER Skip (Barber) gives a 10% off deal as well??

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
New England had a good year. Looking back I have some memories of what went on etc. But one thing that keeps coming back is a trip we made through the Green Mountains in VT. It was around 11:00 am, and we had pulled over to take in the scenery from an overlook. The weather was just about perfect. There were 8 cars in the group. My dad had passed away April of the previous year, he was an auto-enthusiast when I was very young. It just struck me at that moment how proud he would have been of me, how far I have come. To stand on the edge of a mountain with 8 friends. To have taken the day for myself (Lord knows we could work ourselves to death).