Green Viper
Now is the time when we look for motivated people to help guide the future of the club. If you have even thought about it and want to learn more, please contact me to discuss, I would be happy to answer any questions.
While these upcoming elections are strictly for the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, the Washington region is looking for volunteers to help run events or assist in everything from the newsletter to the web page.
Being an officer is a great way for you to share your enthusiasm and passion for the Viper with others!
Happy Viper-ing!
While these upcoming elections are strictly for the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, the Washington region is looking for volunteers to help run events or assist in everything from the newsletter to the web page.
Being an officer is a great way for you to share your enthusiasm and passion for the Viper with others!
Happy Viper-ing!