Viper Owner
If so what paint kind of paint did you use? I'm getting my calipers done and figured while I was at it I might as well clean those up.
What the inside of the rotors? Or did you mean the calipers?Powdercoated mine.
Just rattle can matt black with some hi temp exhaust paint
Powdercoated mine.
Same here. I actually coated the whole rotor - inside and out - then cut the powder coat of the friction sruface. Hats still look great but the coating ont he edge of the rotors turned color from heat.Fatboy. I Meant the inside of the rotors, the hat and backside of the rotors.
Last week I went to a car dealers, they had sprayed the rotors silver on all the second hand cars and sorry to say it looked awfull. The black look is much cleaner.
Well I never knew it was possible to powder coat the rotors! Seeing as they are technically a throw away item, cost wise I would not have thought it was worth it! However my rotors are 2 piece and the hats are satin black. At the moment on the front I have a pair of stock rotors, these I got second hand, but they have a few thousand miles left on them. I rattle caned them satin black using high temp exhaust paint and they look fine.
Last week I went to a car dealers, they had sprayed the rotors silver on all the second hand cars and sorry to say it looked awfull. The black look is much cleaner.