I want to add my thoughts before the usual collection of Gen III bashers jumps in on this thread. I purchased an SRT-10 in May after 7-1/2 years of GTS ownership. It took me a while to warm up to the styling, but once I accepted it, it was easy to take the plunge. The Gen I/II styling will always be classic, and certainly the Gen III is nowhere as near over the top, and thus it will never have the "gawk factor" of the Gen I/II's. But in every other respect, the SRT-10 is a far better car -- ride, handling, braking, power, comfort, build quality, etc. It's much more like a real car, and doesn't have that kit-car feel of the earlier generations. The SRT-10 is "sneaky fast," to borrow a term used by one of our members; you find you're going faster than you think you are. The Gen II's communicated that sense of going fast and being on the edge to the driver, whereas the Gen III just handles it all without fanfare and feels much more stable. This is what refinement is all about.
It would have been nice if I'd had the space and financial wherewithall to keep my 2001 Bumblebee and add the SRT-10, but even if I had kept the GTS, I wouldn't really have had the urge to drive it anymore. The SRT-10 is more fun to drive and more comfortable and just seems to handle rough roads, driveway entrances and everyday driving a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of my GTS ownership. But now that I've moved up, I'm completely satisfied and I'm not looking back.
I still think my SRT-10 has a strong "gawk factor," if nothing else thanks to the yellow color. If attention-getting is important to you, then the commemorative edition, yellow, or the copperhead might be the better choices.