I can't believe what Im reading!
I for one have been known to answer the phone all hours of the night, during a turbojet takeoff roll, during my wifes labor....just to answer questions and give FREE advise to fellow viper owners. I don't ask a dime for this or have a
900-669-6969 number, I enjoy sharing experiences with other people, and as a matter of fact Im one of the few vendors that insists on customers talking with me either in person or on the phone to place their orders.
Posts in the normal discussions forum(your busiest by far) that start out with a question like "whats the best exhaust", "What mods can I buy for my snake" bla bla bla... will ultimately get a response from tuners who PAY AN ADVERTISING FEE to use this site.
Posts also start out informative and end up with product comparisons and challenges, which in my opinion enhance the "discussions" of this forum.
To moderate and move posts because of someones shameless plug or advertising of a product is a slap in the face to those who sponsor this site. A question.......do you throw your beer at the TV every 8 minutes when the commercials come on? Watch national TV and you can't escape them. At least on this board if you are weak minded, dull, inconsiderate, have a low tolerance for fun and games, are looking for correct grammar, want technical manual answers only with no personality injected, or any other monochromatic mindset than I suggest you PASS OVER THESE INFORMATIVE POSTS.
It is my mission as a viper owner, and quazi tuner to share my experiences and products with the viper community. If anyone doesn't like what I have to offer or doesn't want to read what I have to say, take your right hand, wiggle it a little to move the mouse pointer and click yourself somewhere else!
In closing, to agree with Jon B......Tony, I can't believe you let the "greenpea" and other known "site stooges" dictate your actions with regards to topics and their placement. You kick a stooge out, you let him back in....he continues ranting...so you kick him out again, than let him back in.....decisive if you ask me.