Mike Adams
B&B has just finished prototyping and testing their step headers 1 5/8- 1 3/4 with merge collector attached to their header back system with their high flow cats. This incorperated an x pipe into the crossover under the car which helps cluthe the v10 and emits a deep throaty roar unlike any thing else. Production is scheduled to start within a week. List below are their dyno results compared not to a stock viper but compare to an SRT 10 with another brand of headers and exhaust. GREAT results
RPM competitor B&B RPM competitor B&B
1400 106 109 +3 1400 396 407 +11
1600 122 129 +7 1600 402 425 +23
1800 138 144 +6 1800 403 421 +18
2000 156 165 +9 2000 410 434 +24
2200 176 193 +17 2200 422 460 +38
2400 200 214 +14 2400 437 468 +31
2600 213 228 +15 2600 431 461 +30
2800 232 249 +17 2800 435 466 +31
3000 246 264 +18 3000 431 461 +30
3200 260 285 +25 3200 427 468 +41
3400 281 310 +29 3400 433 479 +36
3600 306 333 +27 3600 446 486 +40
3800 329 358 +29 3800 454 494 +40
4000 351 383 +32 4000 461 503 +42
4200 372 394 +22 4200 465 492 +27
4400 388 409 +21 4400 463 488 +25
4600 403 427 +24 4600 460 488 +28
4800 414 436 +22 4800 452 477 +25
5000 426 444 +18 5000 447 466 +19
5200 437 453 +16 5200 441 457 +16
5400 442 454 +12 5400 429 442 +13
5600 441 450 +9 5600 413 423 +10
5800 435 449 +14 5800 394 407 +13
Average HP increase +17.6 Average Torque increase +26.5
Max HP increase +32 Max Torque increase +42
RPM competitor B&B RPM competitor B&B
1400 106 109 +3 1400 396 407 +11
1600 122 129 +7 1600 402 425 +23
1800 138 144 +6 1800 403 421 +18
2000 156 165 +9 2000 410 434 +24
2200 176 193 +17 2200 422 460 +38
2400 200 214 +14 2400 437 468 +31
2600 213 228 +15 2600 431 461 +30
2800 232 249 +17 2800 435 466 +31
3000 246 264 +18 3000 431 461 +30
3200 260 285 +25 3200 427 468 +41
3400 281 310 +29 3400 433 479 +36
3600 306 333 +27 3600 446 486 +40
3800 329 358 +29 3800 454 494 +40
4000 351 383 +32 4000 461 503 +42
4200 372 394 +22 4200 465 492 +27
4400 388 409 +21 4400 463 488 +25
4600 403 427 +24 4600 460 488 +28
4800 414 436 +22 4800 452 477 +25
5000 426 444 +18 5000 447 466 +19
5200 437 453 +16 5200 441 457 +16
5400 442 454 +12 5400 429 442 +13
5600 441 450 +9 5600 413 423 +10
5800 435 449 +14 5800 394 407 +13
Average HP increase +17.6 Average Torque increase +26.5
Max HP increase +32 Max Torque increase +42