Viper Owner
So I am new to vipers, it is my dream car always has been since I was 17 and this year I finally took the plunge. Anyway for the most part other people are really cool, they give the thumbs up, or a nice compliment or a big smile or nod you know. So today I'm driving home and these imbiciles in a Honda Pilot are tailgating me really hard like if I just touched the brake they would have smashed my rear good. They race up, tailgate back off and then raced up and pulled out at the last minute like they were on some kind of racetrack and honestly don't know how they didn't clip my bumper. This all the while in pretty much heavy traffic. Well I ripped them pretty good verbally. Anyway does this ever happen to you, I don't care if someone races their engine or flies by me fast or anything like that, but to almost hit my car goes to far in my mind 

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