isnt it under the car above the rear pumpkin? ive placed this on my to do list and was wondering why you guys say its so hard??
divers side of the pumkin up against the wheel-well liner. I ended up cutting a 3or4" slot in my liner(with a rotorouterbit) to able me to pull it back enough to disconnect the filter. Man, i remember working on trying to disconnect that ***** for atleast an hour(even with the proper disconnect tool). Took a break then came back and was able to finally get her free after getting more aggressive with the tool. Had to push the new fittings on with a lot of force to get to connect. I could definitely see someone think that they had it on there to later find fuel spraying upon startup. Make sure to relieve fuel pressure before starting job. I think i started the motor and pulled the fuelpumprelay until she quit, then bled the schrader valve on the fuel rail as well.
This is one of those jobs that you get halfway into and then start thinking: Am i doing more harm than good

That being said, I'm glad mine is now replaced. My Viper had 40K miles from the previous owners. I had no way of knowing what their habits were of fueling the vehicle. Also, i had a hard to diagnose issue with my motor and wanted to eliminate a variable. Im now up to +70K miles and and will prob take her over 130K before thinking about replacing again. If you have a low-mileage car and/or know the history of it then i agree with Ron&Dave, Leave it be.
good luck if you give it a go